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These Healthy Carrot Cake Muffins are easy to make with oatmeal, lots of fresh carrots, and a handful of other simple and healthy ingredients....
This Healthy Butternut Squash Muffins recipe is quick and easy to make, naturally gluten-free (made with blended-up oats), and made with the coziest comforting...
This healthy banana muffins recipe is easy to make with everyday ingredients, lightly sweetened with maple syrup, naturally gluten-free, and so tasty. After posting recipes...
This healthy apple muffins recipe is naturally gluten-free (made with oats), lightly sweetened with maple syrup, and filled with lots of fresh apple and applesauce…to make these muffins deliciously apple-y....
These healthy pumpkin muffins are my new faves! They’re naturally gluten-free, sweetened with maple syrup, quick and easy to make, and perfecty pumpkin-y. Meet...
This weekend, I boxed up all of my heavy winter coats and sweaters and scarves and shoes and moved them into my new little...
Happy Friday, sweet friends! And a Happy Early Mother’s Day to all of you beautiful moms out there! I hope that we all do...
This Healthy Zucchini Muffins recipe is the best!! It’s quick and easy to make, totally comforting and delicious, and it’s made healthier with a few simple...
These blueberry avocado muffins are tasty, healthier, and surprisingly simple! I posted on Instagram yesterday that the #1 questions I seem to receive as a food...
So, pretty sure we just had our 500th winter storm of the year here in KC this past weekend. Ok, maybe it was just...
Our guest posting this week continues with the lovely Megan from Country Cleaver! I had the pleasure of finally meeting Megan recently at a...
Chocolate two days in a row?!? Well, yes, it’s December. ‘Tis the season for sweets. And these are muffins. So don’t count as dessert....