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This Thai-inspired slow cooker chicken satay recipe comes together easily in the Crock-Pot and is full of rich, creamy, peanut curry flavors. Let your...
This Slow Cooker Spinach Artichoke Dip recipe is rich and creamy, full of the best flavors, and extra-easy to make in the crockpot. With...
This classic slow cooker creamed corn recipe is super-easy to make in the Crock-Pot (or on the stovetop), it’s wonderfully rich and creamy, and...
This Slow Cooker Curried Lentil Soup recipe is quick and easy to prep, made with feel-good ingredients, and full of the best curried flavors!...
Hey, friends! As this post goes live today, I will be flying high somewhere above the Pacific Ocean, en route to go visit two...
This Slow Cooker Beef Ragu recipe is easy to prep and simmered in the most delicious tomato sauce. Serve it over pasta, polenta, or whatever...
Carnitas? Made with chicken?? Yep, they’re a thing. And a few weeks ago, I decided to make them my new thing. To be sure, carnitas are...
My all-time favorite Mexican-inspired pork carnitas recipe…made extra easy in the slow cooker! They’re crispy, juicy, full of great flavor, and irresistibly delicious. (This...
This slow cooker lasagna recipe is quick and easy to prep, and made with the classic ingredients we all love! A few months ago,...
This Slow Cooker Potato Soup recipe is easy to make in the crock-pot, and it’s perfectly thick and creamy and flavorful (without having to...
This is the smaller slow cooker that I’ve had forever. It’s not programmable, but it’s affordable and gets the job done well.
My favorite large slow cooker! It’s fully programmable, and the bowl is stovetop safe for searing or sauteing ingredients before slow cooking if needed.