Gimme Some Oven

Live Blogging the Oscars!

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Live Blogging the Oscars10:58: Ben Affleck just thanked Canada. And Iran. “I want to thank my wife, who I don’t usually associate with Iran.” Thanks people for helping him when they had nothing to gain from him. Classy. Sneaks in his kids names at the end. Fast talker, that Ben. Doesn’t mention Damon.

10:55: Argo. “That is strange. That is weird. I mean, I’m glad for him.” — Lauren. My thoughts exactly.

10:54: How great would it be if Jack hosted the whole Oscars next year?

10:52: Michelle Obama! Introducing the Best Picture?!? Yes! (Great dress, too, by the way.)

10:49: Daniel Day-Lewis wins (as expected), goes from teary-eyed humility to deadpanning that he and Meryl did a straight swap for their Margaret Thatcher and Lincoln parts. Also wins Best Vocabulary in an Acceptance Speech and Classiest Guy Ever.

10:48: And the winner is…Denzel’s eyebrows.

10:46: Paul on Daniel Day-Lewis: “He doesn’t even need to be in a movie anymore to win something.”

10:43: Wow. Jennifer Lawrence for Best Actress. At least we’ll get a real fantastic acceptance speech. OK. And we did. Happy Birthday, Emmanuele! Love how she both tripped getting on stage, ran off stage in a daze and managed to be charming while doing both.

10:40: Chastain! Chastain! Chastain! Please! Please! Please!

10:33: Still bitter that Kathryn Bigelow isn’t nominated for Zero Dark Thirty for Achievement in Directing. But it’s hard to stay bitter when winner Ang Lee is so dang charming. (Life of Pi continues its surprising winning streak.)

10:30: Moonrise Kingdom tribute happening now.

10:26: Original Screenplay, I’m for Zero Dark Thirty BUT totally OK with Tarantino winning because now we get to listen to him talk and learn stuff like Charlize is his neighbor. Love that he thanked his actors for making his characters alive. “This is the writers’ year, man.” We’re gonna go into work on Monday yelling that.

10:23: Hope Beasts of the Southern Wild wins for adapted screenplay…But, nope. Chris Terrio for Argo.

10:14: “Skyfall” (from Skyfall, as Renee helpfully told us) wins for Best Original Song. I love Adele’s acceptance speeches! “And my man, I love you, baby!” With tears and a wave. So loveable.

10:12: Turns out I like Scarlett Johansson’s voice. Huh.

10:10: Life of Pi wins for best original score by Mychael Danna.

10:09: Keion is worried that Hushpuppy is sleepy. “It’s been a big day for her.”

10:00: “The hardest thing about writing…is writing.” R.I.P. Nora Ephron. And Ray Bradbury. You’re breaking my heart.

9:50: Lincoln wins Best Production Design, and understandably so.

9:46: Of the last three Best Oscar pics, my favorite was Django Unchained (over Silver Linings Playbook and Amour).

9:39: Keion wants to see a mash-up of the Skyfall song and Chicken Little. I do not think there is an explanation for this.

9:36: We’re imagining a theoretical Adele-Jennifer Hudson showdown backstage. It is awesome.

9:34: J-Law…unfortunately staying on script. So much fun when she doesn’t.

9:31: Film Editing goes to Argo. Ok.

9:30: Awwwwww! The Academy introduces the student presenters. Classy.

9:24: At the end of Hathaway’s speech, Keion says, “Oh, I get it now.” (We had all been discussing the Hatha-haters phenomenon earlier.)

9:22: Really hoping Helen Hunt wins this one so The Sessions gets some much-deserved glory. Well, nevermind. Breaking news: Megan does a killer Anne Hathaway impression.

9:21: Johnnie calls Amy Adams a firecracker. Yep, pretty much sums it up.

9:20: Christopher Plummer promises us 30 more films. Yay!

9:12: Best sound mixing award goes to Les Miserables. Best sound editing goes to BOTH Zero Dark Thirty and Skyfall! A tie! As Mark Wahlberg said, “No BS!”

9:04: Keion wants to see Helena Bonham Carter wearing business caszh. This is a good idea. 

9:00 Not smart to have any singing follow Jennifer Hudson’s standing-ovation show-stoppin’. Sorry Les Mis people.

8:55: Much discussion about whether Catherine was lip-synching or not for “All That Jazz.” Opinions? No discussion about Jennifer Hudson. Live.

8:50: Everybody is hoping for No, thanks to the personal connection in the room. Looking forward to seeing it at the True/False Film Fest next week! Ack. Amour wins it…does this mean people voted for it in this category and not in Best Pic?

8:43: Sugarman…Sugarman…Sugarman… Crossing my fingers here for Best Doc! YAY!!!!!! See it, people!

8:39: Of the next three Best Picture nominees featured, Lincoln, Zero Dark Thirty and Argoyou know I’m going with Zero Dark Thirty

8:36: Liam Neeson says “Good evening,” and we all burst into delighted shouts, claps and squeals. #starpower 

8:33: Rooting for Death of a Shadow for live action short film! Oh, but Curfew won. 

8:32 Seth MacFarlane is an enthusiastic clapper. Or as Johnnie says, “He claps honestly.”

8:29: J.C. Penny just told me I “deserve to look better” and “live better.” What’s wrong with how I look or live now, Penny?

8:25: This living room needs some people who were around when the original Goldfinger song came out to answer a few of our questions. Too age homogenous here.

8:19: Les Miserables wins for makeup and hairstyling. Not to be mean, but can you win for styling Anne Hathaway’s bald head?

8:17: Anna Karenina wins for best costume design. Designer Jacqueline Durran, frequent Joe Wright collaborator, is wearing a fab coat dress and is classily short-spoken.

8:09: Was going to root for Life of Pi for best visual effects, but now switching to The Avengers. But Life of Pi wins this, too. Deserved! They use the Jaws theme to play the team off!

8:06: Rooting for Roger Deakins (Skyfall) for best cinematography! Booooo….but Life of Pi wins. Conversation ensues about breaking up cinematography into CG and not-as-much CG categories.

8:03: Of the first three Best Pic nominees featured, I’m picking Beasts of the Southern Wild (over Life of Pi and Les Miserables).

8:00 Disney/Pixar walked away with the animated awards for Paperman and Brave. And points for the kilt, man (director Mark Andrews makes a brave fashion choice).

7:55: We’re passing around a pic of Jason’s unofficial adopted brother (long story), who is a producer of the foreign film nominee No. He made it on TV! In a blur behind Kristin Chenoweth.Very cool!

7:50: Yes! Off to a good start! Waltz wins Best Supporting Actor. Keion and I still think it should’ve been Leo, but what can you do.

7:49: Philip Seymour Hoffman was incredible in a slight mess of a movie…still rooting for Christoph Waltz.

7:47: Spontaneous applause in the living room at the conclusion of the opening number. So! Cute! And! Funny!

7:42: Speaking of adorable, now Seth is joined by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Daniel Radcliffe. Dancing. 

7:39: Seth MacFarlane is singing…and he’s GOOD. And Charlize can DANCE. (We all knew Channing could.) The Oscars just got adorable. 

7:29: Making the official decision to not to fill out a ballot so I can just root for my favorites without trying to “win”.

7:05: George Clooney’s hair is AMAZING, you guys.

7:04: Also love Halle Berry’s dress. The power of stripes!

7:02: Sidney! Bristow! That is all.

7:00 Paul asks, “Where’s the snow?” We all agree the Oscars would be better if the stars had to trudge through 10 inches of the white stuff.

6:52 Chris Evans gets Best Son of the Night for complimenting his Mom (also his date for event) all the way through his red carpet interview.

6:46: Keion is giving Beasts of the Southern Wildcrawfish-eating instructions which amount to “rip the stuff out.”

6:44: Decided my Maya costume has missed the mark.

6:41: I LOVE Charlize’s dress. LOVE. And I used to have her hair. But she does it WAAAAAY better.

6:33: Keion starts what promises to be a night-long tradition of yelling “Beast It!” whenever a Beasts of the Southern Wild clip comes on.

6:32: We are very glad Kelly asked Joseph Gordon-Levitt about his socks. We not being ironic.

6:30: Johnnie says Reese Witherspoon is “a vision in blue.” It’s true.

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Sarah Magill

Sarah Magill has a full-time movie habit made possible by a day-time greeting card writing gig. She blogs at Gimme Some Film and is learning to write scripts and direct. She tries to balance her screen obsession with trail running, jazz singing, book clubbing, and hanging out with The Best Golden Retriever Ever, Copa.

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24 comments on “Live Blogging the Oscars!”

  1. ‘Beast it!’ is hilarious. When do I get to hang out with Keion more?

    Agreed on Clooney’s hair–so handsome!! My fave dress so far is Jamie Foxx’s daughter’s navy dress.

  2. I was rooting for Anna Karenina for cinematography–agreed on Life of Pi for visual affects but felt like many others were more worthy of cinematography

  3. Honestly, it was a perfectly mussed bald head. And perfectly un-makeup’d makeup. So.

  4. Do you mean whether Catherine Zeta was attempting to lip sync or not even trying to keep up? She was way off! Sorry, i’m feeling super sassy tonight. I’m going to stop being so contrary. ha ha

  5. I think Anne Hathaway haters primarily hate real-life-Anne, while acting-Anne isn’t quite as bad. And her acceptance speeches always drive this point deep. “It came true…” Ugh. She should wear Cat Woman costume for next awards show and maybe it would be more tolerable.

  6. Disappointing. At least my Best Actor pick won, but otherwise pretty poor results in my opinion. But it was still a good show–enjoyed all the presenting, songs and comedy. Seth McF was pretty good in the end. That’s all I got–thanks for keeping me updated. ;)

  7. Love the review – any idea what the song was while Jessica Chastain and Jennifer Garner presented? We noticed that most were former Oscar winners, I just couldn’t figure it out. So frustrating when you know you’ve heard it!

    • You know, I don’t remember! Tried googling it, but nobody else seems to know…hmmm…I’ll keep an eye out. Yep, hate it when you recognize a melody or voice and can’t place it. Thanks for reading!

    • I was looking for it too, and I think it’s Cinema Paradiso from Josh Groban’s first album.

    • Good find!! Thanks!

  8. Cheers to Jack hosting the Oscars ’14. That would be AWESOME.

    And I loved Sidney Bristow! ;)

    Just heard too that little Quvenzhané (yep, had to look that one up) is going to be playing Annie in Will Smith’s remake. I adore her!

  9. Sarah, I think you will appreciate the first item related to Jennifer Garner in this:
    She’s just the best.

  10. the highlight of the night for me was during the In Memorium, when I think it was the Zanuck clip that said, “The most important thing in film is the story – not the script – the story.” Brilliant.

  11. oh – and i was actually annoyed by QT’s comment that it was the writers’ year…right after he won the award for best writing. “it was one of the best years of writing, and i’m the best of the best!” at least kinda weird, right?

  12. Best Oscar Recap, hands down. Love it!

  13. What’s goin’ on over here? I saw the Oz movie last night. It wasn’t as good as I’d hoped, but it wraps up so nicely I nearly forgave everything that bothered me along the way.

    It’s a must-see in 3D. The opening credits are worth it alone.

    • Nice – I’ve been on the fence about seeing it, so I’ll have to now. What’s going on is I took a little blogging break, which turned into a long blogging break. Yikes! I have a True/False Film Fest recap that I’ll get up here by the end of the week. Then I’m going to a once-a-week-or-so schedule so I have more time to write movies, not just write about them!

    • that sounds like a good plan!