Gimme Some Oven

The Friday Five

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The Friday Five |

Happy St. Patrick’s Day EveEveEve to ye, friends.

In honor of everyone’s favorite Irish holiday coming up on Monday, we’re going “green” today on The Friday Five. Yep, we’re talking everything from green smoothies to green cocktails to green St. Paddy’s Day crafts to DIY green cleaning products. And of course, I had to throw in a few cute ideas for green pieces to wear to avoid the pinching police. (Seriously — that ridiculous pinching — who on earth ever thought that was a good idea?!)

However your holiday ends up, I hope you have a fun time celebrating. And I also hope you have a stellar weekend enjoying all of this fabulous, amazing, glorious sunlight that is now extending into the evenings!!! Oh my goodness. I have been downright giddy each night this week when 6pm rolled around and it was still totally sunny outside. And it’s been warmer. And my dog has reached his adorable super-shaggy-almost-time-for-a-haircut stage. And I got to visit my parents for a day. And my taxes are 95% done. And Nashville is getting cra-zay. And my friends taught me how to make jambalaya. And one of my college friends is coming to stay for a few days. And yeah, basically lots to celebrate.

So cheers to you, with my virtual (soon to be real) pint o’ Guinness. Have a good one!

5 green smoothies you’ve gotta try

St Patricks Day Garland |

5 last minute St. Patrick’s Day DIY decor projects

DIY Grapefruit All Purpose Cleaner |

5 DIY green cleaning tutorials

Lumation Tee | Anthropologie

5 pinch-avoiding green pieces to wear on St. Paddy’s Day

Green Juice Margaritas |

5 green drinks with a kick

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6 comments on “The Friday Five”

  1. I couldn’t agree more about how amazing it is to have the sun last into the evenings! Going to spend my lunch break browsing through these links :)


  2. I LOOOOVE that Foodie with Family smoothie. Great round-up!

  3. Loooove all the green! #happystpatricksday !

  4. For the love of all things green!!!

  5. Great St. Patty’s Day round up, Ali, thanks for include my green smoothie!!