A Note From Ali
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Tap tap — is this thing on?
Hi, hello! I’m so sorry that I unexpectedly went MIA here these past few months. I had initially just planned to take the last few weeks of December off from posting while we were traveling back to the States to visit our family. But then one thing after another came up after we made it home — childcare starts and stops, relentless winter colds, website redesign deadlines — and anyway, I feel like I blinked and it’s somehow already February!
I’m happy to say that tomorrow we will officially be getting back into the rhythm of sharing new recipes here again. (So many good ones ready for you this month!) But today, I wanted to pop in first to share a few personal updates here regarding the new year ahead.
Namely, I’m finally taking the leap and making a bit of a career pivot. ♡
I originally began Gimme Some Oven back in 2009 because I believed — and still believe, now more than ever — in the role that really good food can play in bringing people together to connect around the table. But the longer I have worked “in food,” the more aware I’ve also become aware of what a privilege it is to have a table full of food each day when so many people do not (even though there is more than enough food grown to feed every person in the world). Issues surrounding access to food have always felt so complicated and overwhelming. But the more I’ve begun to study and learn about the specific systems that lead to food insecurity, the more I’ve realized it’s possible to get involved and make a real difference. And the more I’ve gotten involved in a volunteer capacity, the more I’ve realized how much I really want this sort of work to be an even larger part of my life. Which — to be honest — has left me feeling conflicted because I love my full-time work job here and haven’t wanted to completely give up blogging.
Well to make a very long story short, the switch eventually flipped and I realized that I actually have the opportunity to do both. ♡♡ So over the next few months, I am going to be shifting my work hours/responsibilities here to focus solely again on the original reasons I got into blogging (i.e. cooking up yummy new recipes, writing about them, and connecting with all of you), and bring on new help with photography and some of the other time-consuming techy parts of running a website. Then later this spring, I’m planning to officially begin working part-time with The Wash Project, helping out with communications and supporting local leaders in Mali with various food insecurity initiatives. (Some of which will be building upon the incredible community garden project that you all helped to fund this past year – exciting!)
As for Gimme Some Oven, my hope is actually that very little will change here when it comes to recipe content. I’ll still be the one cooking and writing about new recipes each week, and we’ve been working on a few upcoming projects that will hopefully make this site more helpful and organized than ever. I’m also hoping to have time to share my usual “Currently” updates a bit more often — which is actually what today’s post originally started out to be, but then this intro became so long that I decided to separate the fun updates about Teo and life here in Barcelona into another post. ;) So stay tuned for some cute 4-toothed baby smiles and pup-dates coming your way soon.
Anyway, I hesitated to even really mention this change publicly, since I know that many of you are just here for the food. (Which is totally cool, recipes will be continuing!) But for those of you who’ve been with me a long time, I just wanted to share the latest about where this career in blogging — a job that wasn’t even a “thing” back when I first started this site as a hobby, but has been made possible over the years thanks to you all and your presence here — is now evolving. It feels like the other half of my heart for food is finally now going to have an official part of my work week. And I’m really excited about the potential for some great crossover ahead, especially sharing conversations and opportunities here for those who would like to get involved in some of these initiatives. More to come.
Pues, ya está — that’s the scoop! Thanks for taking the time to read this today, and as always, thank you so much for your continued support of this little corner of the internet. I’m more excited than ever for this next chapter, and look forward to sharing more updates and new recipes very soon.
(Also, yes, that dreamy giant cinnamon roll recipe is also coming your way very soon.)
So excited to see you following your passion, Ali! I’ll be here for both recipes (you create just the MOST flavorful, easy recipes) and for your food insecurity work/updates. You will make such a wonderful difference!
YES! I’m not at all surprised to read this news yet really happy to hear it. I think about the women in the community garden often. Please send them our best from the Gimme Some Oven readers and I can’t wait to follow what’s next for them.
A very exciting change – but I selfishly have to admit I am glad it means you aren’t stepping away from recipe creating/blogging as I love your recipes! I will be making that giant cinnamon roll the day you post that :)
ditto this!
I love your recipes, but more importantly, I love that you have a heart for others! This is SUCH an important cause. Please keep us posted on how we can help!! Wishing joy and blessings to you and your sweet family! :)
So glad to hear the latest news!! You are loved and supported!
Love this, Ali. 😘
Congrats on fulfilling life goals! Just an idea…it’s free so that’s what it’s worth. You have a great business. Maybe consider hiring/collaborating with would-be recipe bloggers under your brand to relieve some of the deliverable pressures, while focusing on your new pursuit and family. You can maintain control of content and feel. You’ll have to spend time training/editing, but if you get a couple of good ones, the time commitment will ultimately be less. Just some food for thought.
So happy for you and all of the folks that you will be helping! Thanks for sharing this news with us.
I really love your life updates, and as I am trying to cut back my time on Instagram, seeing more blog content featuring family life would be wonderful to me! Whatever you decide to do, it will be lovely and much appreciated!
This is actually one of the reasons I’ve loved your blog for so many years: you share amazing recipes, but it’s NOT just about the food around here. :) I wish food blogs would talk about these sorts of things more often, because the truth is that we’re profoundly lucky to have the luxury of choosing what we eat. Thanks for that reminder this morning. You can count on me for sticking around here too.
Giant cinnamon rolls, where have you BEEN all my life? 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
It was a great surprise to see you back on here and read your update today. 1000% on board and I’m so glad you’re still going to be the one creating your recipes. They’re my favorites!
Wishing you so much success in your new plans, Ali, and I can’t wait to learn more.
Thank you for the update, Ali. I’m happy for you but most of all , I’m happy you will continue to share your emails in food and stories with us!
Hello Ali….it’s great to hear you and your little family are doing well. And even more exciting, how you are changing hats to please and nourish your heart. I’ve followed your adventures for awhile now and I’m so happy to hear you are not giving up your blogging (I know…totally selfish!) Looking forward to your future endeavors….con mucho amor y cariño. De parte de Connie Rios
Your recipes are among those that I search most often and first for inspiration so yay!!! BUT I love watching the evolution! Keep it all coming please and let us know how we can help.
I have noticed for a while, that when I find a recipe that I really like, it comes from Gimme Some Oven. So now, when I see a notification from your site, I always go to it. I have also shared the feeling, over the last year, that while I am sitting down to eat some delicious food, there are so many people who cannot. I feel a bit guilty and now want to volunteer to transport food from a local agency to people in need in my own community. I salute you in moving to do “double duty” and working with The Wash Project. And I am also glad that you will continue to share recipes.
Can’t wait for more recipes
Thank you
Great news! Happy you are “back” and planning to share more recipes! Please do share more about The Wash Project and food insecurity issues – something that we all need to be more aware of – and how those of us lucky enough to have more than enough food might help.
PS It was great to meet you at the BCN airport in December! I hope it was ok that I spoke to you! :)
Maybe I can do something to help with THE WASH PROJECT. YAY!!! I live in Brownwood, Texas and one of the reasons for moving here was to have a backyard garden, and I have done that successfully. I give away veggies to my neighbors and also to the place which serves food to the very poor people in Brownwood. I love it. It makes me feel good.
I’m so excited for your new endeavor Ali!! And also happy that you won’t be leaving Gimme Some Oven!! Congrats and all the best! 👏🏻
I will be looking forward to reading about all your new adventures and of course, seeing and trying all your new recipes!! 😋
So timely! I was just this past weekend worrying about not having seen any communication in awhile and hoping all was ok! I’m looking forward to seeing your new direction. Health outcomes have great interest to me, particularly food insecurities.
I love this. Your timing is perfect. The world needs this more now than ever. We are having a different sense of food insecurity even in the States. We are facing empty shelves and a push towards manufactured meat. More people are homesteading and trying to obtain food independence. Looking forward to learning more about the food we nourish ourselves with and how best to prepare them.
Dear Ali,
Your stories, your recipes and your family have been and remain delightful additions to our family conversations since about a year before the pandemic began. My kids know you as “Barcelona Girl.” A name a I gave you as the author of so many yummy recipes that are now part of our regular meal rotation. Blessings to you in your new season with your husband and son and all you do.
We look forward to more recipes anytime you share them.
from this mom of 4 sons who are now grown men
Enjoy that baby!
Can’t wait… your recipes are awesome
Sounds very fulfilling! Your career pivot, that is – altho I *am* looking forward to that giant cinna-roll recipe. ;)
Yay you! I almost sent you a post the other day to check in on you! So glad to hear everything is going well! Congratulations on your evolution. Can’t wait to see where it takes you! Thank you for all you have provided to all of your following but especially those from your KC JW community!! Be well and be safe!
Wonderful ❤❤❤❤🙂🙂🙂🙂
I’ve missed seeing your posts to much! I’m so glad your back!
My heart dropped! Then I kept reading! LOL! Can’t wait to see where this new chapter leads you (and us).
Thank you for sharing all this with us Ali. I totally support your work with The Wash Project! Thank you for all the wonderful stuff you share with us here.
Congratulations Ali! Thank you for sharing this update with all of us. Food insecurity is such an important issue, I appreciate you using your platform to share this passion as well. This is a topic that is close to my family’s heart, and we spend time volunteering for as well. We have loved every recipe from your blog that we have tried, but this will make us even bigger fans! :)
Excited for you and that you (and we) get the best of both worlds!! Looking forward to new recipes!
Ali – I have missed you & your family. Do not apologize for having a life – job & family!! You were doing the most important things!!
I absolutely adore your recipes – they are about all I use. My family frequently tells me how much they love them too.
Take good care of yourself & family & we will see you soon!
I am always excited for the recipes and updates on your life. I am so happy whenever someone can follow their passion and make a living at it. Can’t wait to hear & see all of the new adventures coming your way. You are a generous person & I thank you for sharing.
Excited to learn more and for the direction you’re taking with your work!! Thank you for bringing us along and for sharing with us!
This is wonderful news and I wish you much success in your endeavors. Food security is so important. Some of us take it for granted; others wonder what it must feel like. Looking forward to hearing updates as they become available.
Fantastic news, Ali! Your professional and personal passions have intersected beautifully and it’s a joy to see. Delegating website duties definitely will free you up for both and for family time. Great to hear your trip was a good one and that you’ve settled back in to life in Barcelona. All very exciting and I’m looking forward to these evolutionary changes. Congrats.
Great news all the way around.
You’re such a wonderful woman with a heart as big as the world. Not only do you delight us with your fantastic recipes and your talent for presenting them but now, along with you we will continue to help the ladies at The Wash Project. Supporting those who need food to sustain life and making sure their road to feeding their families and friends and supporting health for their children should be a priority for those of us who have it all. I’m traveling with you on your journey to the kitchen and to the ladies in Mali. Makes the heart happy!
1st of all, my heart always skips a beat when there is a post after a long silence… So glad it’s nothing bad! I live for all posts from my select few blogs that i follow. Food, family, travel, doggies! Its all good with me. Happy that you are brave to change to do some better in this crazy world. Thanks for sharing and congrats!
I’ve MISSED YOU! Recently asked my dear daughter about what was going on…… so happy to hear this is a pivot that is near and dear to your heart and we can look forward to even more food and news from you. And can’t wait to read more about the 4 toothies!
I’m looking forward to your return and hearing about your new endeavors.
So pleased all is okay in Barcelona – I was worried when there were no posts or updates from you, so glad all is going well. I can so relate to your concern re food insecurity, we live in Cape Town and even though its one of the most beautiful cities in the world there are millions who struggle with food security. Fortunately there are many initiatives to try to elevate this, but sadly never enough. All the best for your new venture.
I was just starting to worry when you hadn’t posted for so long! Glad to hear that you’re following your passion and relieved for me that you’ll still be posting :) Congrats!
From a fellow blogger, I just want to say that this sort of stuff takes guts. Proud of you for following your heart and devoting your time/energy to this. I look forward to following along.
I think it’s wonderful for you to combine your work and the things you are passionate about. For me, my work life/ministry has always been a part of my life and my family’s life. All the best to you in this new chapter!
You are Amazing!! Follow you heart and dreams!! God Bless you for what you are doing!!
Look forward to your great recipes Ali !!!!
So good to have a post from you – keep doing all your good things!!
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you and your new venture! It is not only challenging to change course but sometimes necessary to “reinvent” ourselves and stay fresh. You will be great at whatever you choose to do! As for Teo…..please keep letting us “spy” on that cutie! Great days ahead!
Congratulations! I’m very excited for that shifts in careers….it’s so important that we all follow our passions. I came across your website two years ago when I was living with my family in California and my son and I have cooked many of your recipes. Yesterday I was thinking about you and asking myself why I was not receiving your blog updates….and voilá here you are with these amazing news. Congratulations again and for many more years sharing recipes and being part of our family dinners.