Meet Teo!
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Hi friends! Just wanted to pop in briefly from maternity leave to share an update today, because there’s someone very special I’d love for you to meet…
…our sweet Teo!
Our son, Teo (pronounced the Spanish way, “tay-oh”) Elliott Martin, was born on March 16. And for those of you who have been following our story, I’m thankful to report that the epidural that we had been praying might work despite my back issues (I shared a bit about this in my last post) mercifully took hold on the very first try, which meant that both Barclay and I were able to be there together to hear Teo’s first precious cries and welcome him into the world. Goodness…what a moment. ♡
After so many ups and downs this pregnancy, we’re still in awe that our little boy is finally here. He’s perfect and healthy and super-snuggly and outrageously cute…and we feel like the luckiest parents in the world. Truly can’t believe how much we love him and how sweet and natural life together as a family of three already feels. We spend a record amount of time each day just staring at him and soaking up his sweet newborn cuddles and showering his yummy cheeks with a million kisses. And we are loving this opportunity to finally learn how to be parents — even sleep-deprived, sore-in-all-the-places (hellooo, postpartum), often-hilariously-trial-and-erroring-our-way-through-each-new-day and all. This tiny little human has captured our hearts in the biggest of ways, and we are just so happy that he’s ours.
Anyway, I can’t wait to share more updates with you once I’m back from maternity leave. But in the meantime, feel free as always to follow along on Instagram for more behind the scenes updates from our lil’ newborn bubble over here. And thank you again for all of the love and prayers and encouragement you’ve been sending our way these past few weeks especially. We feel it and are sending you back so much love from Barcelona today.
Here are a few pics from these first few weeks together with Teo as a family of three! ♡
Meeting our precious boy for the very first time.
Finally a family of three. ♡♡♡
My heart can hardly take seeing these two together. My boys! :)
Morning snuggles are our favorites.
Is there anything cuter than baby yawns?! We’re obsessed.
Meeting the pups for the very first time. We carefully introduced them and they’re getting along great! Although tbh, they mainly just ignore him 99% of the time. ;)
Alright, I’m logging off to get back to gazing into these big blue eyes. :) Thanks for reading, everyone! xoxo
Congratulations! Adorable baby. Love your recipes.
Out of all your recipes, this is the BEST thing you’ve ever made!
Hi Teo is 8 months old but I’m just now seeing the videos. He is beautiful and such big beautiful eyes! Congratulations and Blessings to you and your family
Blessings to the tree of you!