Gimme Some Oven

Archives: Life Posts

Gimme Some Life posts

10 Things I’ve Learned: Maux

Hey everyone! I promise I didn’t forget about our 10 Things I’ve Learned series here on the blog. (And apparently, neither did you — thank you so much to all of you who sent kind emails asking about it.)  Things have been a little crazy here behind the scenes...

What’s Your Favorite Thing About Autumn?

Happy first day of autumn, friends! I have to admit that this day always feels a little bittersweet for this summer-loving girl. While everyone else has been breaking out the pumpkin and chunky sweaters this month, I have been making coconut margaritas and playing Death Cab and freezing my...

Things I’m Afraid To Tell You

This weekend, I spent some time poking around the archives of a few of my favorite design bloggers, and happened to come across this wave of posts that hit the blogosphere two years ago called “Things I’m Afraid To Tell You”. It turns out that one of my favorite...

August In Photos

There’s an epic thunderstorm and lightening show happening outside my window right now, which couldn’t make me happier. Storms in the Midwest are the best, and this one seems like a fitting end to an August that has been swirling with goodness. The best part of August? I was home all month, and...

This Wild and Crazy Miracle We Call…Blogging

Lately, I’ve been talking with quite a few bloggers who just feel ________ about their blogs right now. Overwhelmed. Discouraged. Frustrated. Burnt-Out.  You fill in the blank. Basically, not so good. And my heart goes out to them, because I’ve been there. Frankly, I’m probably “there” at least once...

How To Make An Animated GIF

As some of you may have noticed, this seems to have become The Year Of The Animated GIF on my blog. I’m slightly obsessed! Yes, I know that I’m a few years late to the “graphical interchange format” party. But now that I’ve figured out how to animate these...

July In Photos

So long, farewell, auf widersehn, adieu, July! I would say that you flew by, but actually I was the one doing the flying this month. As you may have noticed on Instagram, I spent most of July across the pond in Europe!! We had a fabulous time visiting Austria (picture perfect), Germany...

What Movies Shaped Your Childhood?

I have several movies that looped in the background of my childhood, creating a mesh of memories and meaning that influenced my life and worldviews in surprisingly profound ways. I'll tell you about three from my very early days (3 to 5 years)...if you tell me some of yours!

10 Amazing People I Met In El Salvador

Wow. It has been a month since I’ve returned home from my trip to El Salvador with Unbound, but the dear people I met are still on my mind often. I think of my sponsored friend, Josefa, in the morning when I drink my morning coffee from the matching...

How To Start A Book Club

5 tips on how to start a book club...that's awesome...and that lasts. :)

June In Photos

June In Photos

Anne of Green Gables once said, “I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.” Well, if I had to live in a world that was like this past month, I’d take it. This June just felt like such a whirlwind...

10 Things I’ve Learned: Meg

Happy Sunday, friends! We’re finally back with another post in our “10 Things I’ve Learned” series. And I’m happy that our guest-poster today is my lovely, long-time friend, Meg. I actually met this pretty girl back in the year 2000, when my high school boyfriend took me to his...