Gimme Some Oven

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Gimme Some Life posts

How To Make 10% Better Decisions

I totally just read a business book for the first time in years. Yes, the irony of this fact is not lost on me. I used to eat up business and self-help books back when I was in college and while I had a steady job during my twenties....

5 Tips for Hosting The Best Movie Night Ever

I'm on a quest. A quest to perfecting the art of Hosting Movie Nights. I am still early on my journey, but here's a few things I've learned so far.

10 Things I Learned In El Salvador

Ok, now I officially feel for all of the dear friends I ask to boil their entire lives down into ten things they have learned. I just returned my trip with Unbound to El Salvador, and I could barely narrow a week down to ten! Ha, seriously though, I have so many things that...

10 Things I’ve Learned: Sara

As this post is being published today, I’m flying down to El Salvador with Unbound. And much of that is because of this lovely friend right here. Everyone, meet Sara. I met Sara years ago at my church through a sushi cooking class that I happened to be teaching....

10 Things I’ve Learned: Tara

Friends, meet Tara. I had the pleasure of meeting her myself when I was a college freshman and she was one of my RAs at our tiny liberal arts college in rural Kansas. She was one of those girls who everyone knew and everyone adored, and I quickly came...

Why I’m Not “Online Dating”

Guesssss who’s still single?? Good guess. And actually I just had a birthday, so I suppose we need to find a new name for this 30 and Single series. I have an idea up my sleeve that I may share soon. But hey, we’re overdue for a new post...

31 Things

31, we’re a few days in and I have to say — you’re lookin’ good. I have no idea what this year will bring, but I do know that I love making lists. So I came up with 31 things that I would love to make happen this year....

10 Things I’ve Learned: Graham

One of my favorite things in life is watching friends have a dream…and then go for it. My friend, Graham, is one of those people. And actually, he has lots of dreams. But time and again, he has shown the world that he isn’t afraid — in fact, he loves — to...

April In Photos

A little “snapshot” of my month in photos.

10 Things I’ve Learned: Mollie

I met today’s guest-poster back when we were roommates at Southwestern College, a tiny liberal arts school in southeastern (yes, the irony) Kansas. We were perhaps unlikely friends, as we had hardly anything in common when dorm life first brought us together. I was the introvert, Mollie was the...

10 Things I’ve Learned From Watching Movies

I'm always trying to connect the films I see with my everyday life. Movies inspire me, challenge my assumptions, change my views, break my heart, lift my soul, and, yes, even teach me Life Lessons. Here are ten.

When Being Single Just Feels Hard

I never quite know when those moments will come, when the weight of being single will come crashing down upon my chest. Those moments have been fewer and farther between over the past few years. But without fail, they always come. And boy, they’ll knock the wind out of...