Gimme Some Oven

Archives: Life Posts

Gimme Some Life posts

10 Things I’ve Learned: Liz

I feel like our next guest-poster in the “I’ve Learned” series hardly needs an introduction, because it seems like the whole world already knows and loves Liz from The Lemon Bowl! (Or as her name fondly pops up in my phone, Liz Lemonbowl.)  ;) People who’ve had the chance...

10 Things I’ve Learned: Jeff

Many of you may not recognize that guy up there, but if you’ve visited this blog, you’ve seen a glimpse of his many (many) talents. That’s right, today I’m happy to be introducing you to Jeff — the guy who designed this blog and has been my faithful web...

10 Tips For Sundance Film Festival Attendees

For those of you who missed it, I had the chance to travel to Park City last month with Sarah to cover the Sundance Film Festival. And we had a blast! We soaked in the beauty of Utah, met all sorts of great people, ate some (mostly) great food, and...

10 Things I’ve Learned: Rachel

We had a fantastic response to the kickoff to our I’ve Learned series on the blog. So I’m stoked to continue on today with this post from my friend, Rachel. I met Rachel over a decade ago when we were both undergraduate music majors at Southwestern College in Kansas. Nowadays,...

10 Things I’ve Learned: Michelle

Today we are kicking off a new series on the blog called “I’ve Learned”, in which people share 10 things — any 10 things — that they have learned in life. I have been looking forward to launching this for months, mostly because I’m just completely curious and excited to...

One Little Word 2014

One Little Word 2014

I’m the first to admit that I’m not the best at sticking with new year’s resolutions. Heck, I even fell off the bandwagon multiple times with my three December Daily goals this past month, like, starting on Day 3.  I know. By contrast though, I’ve found the idea of choosing...

New Christmas Traditions

After having spent the month of December in Europe last year, it was fun to be back home with my family in Wichita this Christmas. My sister and brother in law were in town from Chicago, my pup was looking very merry for the occasion, and we were all...

10 Photos NOT To Post For Online Dating (Guys Edition)

Happy holidays, everyone!! I’m back with another post in my series on being single. And since this time of the year can sometimes be a bit of a downer for singles, I thought we’d lighten the mood with the topic that never fails to entertain — online dating photos....

December Daily

Happy December, everyone! I hope that you all had a warm and merry Thanksgiving. (And to my Jewish friends, I hope that you had a blast celebrating the a once-in-a-lifetime — or really, once-in-79,000-lifetimes! — Thanksgivukkah. So cool!!) I spent most of my holiday week at home with family in...

Poetry & Printing

I have to be honest. My book club is awesome. Said awesomeness is due entirely to the group of amazing, creative, bright, thoughtful women who I’m grateful to call friends and fellow bookies. But it is also due to the oh-so-official traditions that govern our little monthly get-togethers. Hours...


Happy First Day of Autumn Eve, everyone! I’m getting ready to take off on a camping trip with my book club in a few hours, but thought I’d pop in a quick “Currently” post before I head out. This month has definitely been a great one, I think in...

‘Friday Night Lights’ Trivia

Ok, I couldn’t resist doing one more post on Friday Night Lights. Today we’re talking FNL trivia! Since I watched the show on Netflix, I didn’t get the chance to see all of the bonus footage and interviews on the DVDs, which is always a “must” after I finish...