Category: 10 Things I've Learned
One of my favorite things in life is watching friends have a dream…and then go for it. My friend, Graham, is one of those people. And actually, he has lots of dreams. But time and again, he has shown the world that he isn’t afraid — in fact, he loves — to...
I met today’s guest-poster back when we were roommates at Southwestern College, a tiny liberal arts school in southeastern (yes, the irony) Kansas. We were perhaps unlikely friends, as we had hardly anything in common when dorm life first brought us together. I was the introvert, Mollie was the...
I'm always trying to connect the films I see with my everyday life. Movies inspire me, challenge my assumptions, change my views, break my heart, lift my soul, and, yes, even teach me Life Lessons. Here are ten.
Hey everyone! We’re back with our 10 Things I’ve Learned series after two weeks off. (Sorry about the delay. We’ve been working on some mega technical changes behind the scenes with this site, but it should be running smoothly now and showing up in your feed. Whew!) But our...
Today’s contributor to the 10 Things series is someone whom I’ve never officially met in person, but was introduced to in the coolest way — through the comment section on this blog! That’s right. Over the past year or so, I had begun to notice that some girl named...
Kind of similar to last week’s post from Janelle, I basically had a friend-crush on Kelly before I ever met her. It began in the church where I used to work (as did Kelly back before my time), where I was captivated by these enormous, colorful, bright paintings that...
Today I’m happy to introduce you to one of the first friends that I was introduced to when I moved to KC nine years ago — Janelle! Janelle and I met when we were both working down the hall from one another in the basement of a local megachurch. There...
Actually the title for today’s post should be 10 Things We’ve Learned, as my good friends Kerry and Nathan are tag-teaming this one. I met these two lovebirds at church maybe five-ish years ago. But I’m still a bit in awe of the fact that they met each other more than a...
Actually the title for today’s post should be 10 Things We’ve Learned, as my good friends Kerry and Nathan are tag-teaming this one. I met these two lovebirds at church maybe five-ish years ago. But I’m still a bit in awe of the fact that they met each other more than a...
It’s no secret that I love my neighbors. For these past two years that I’ve lived in downtown KC, they have made this place feel like no less than home. And one of the people I have most to thank for that is this great girl — Cate. Cate...
I feel like our next guest-poster in the “I’ve Learned” series hardly needs an introduction, because it seems like the whole world already knows and loves Liz from The Lemon Bowl! (Or as her name fondly pops up in my phone, Liz Lemonbowl.) ;) People who’ve had the chance...
Many of you may not recognize that guy up there, but if you’ve visited this blog, you’ve seen a glimpse of his many (many) talents. That’s right, today I’m happy to be introducing you to Jeff — the guy who designed this blog and has been my faithful web...