Mango Lentil Salad
This mango lentil salad recipe comes together easily in less than 30 minutes and is bursting with fresh and vibrant ingredients. New favorite lentil...
This mango lentil salad recipe comes together easily in less than 30 minutes and is bursting with fresh and vibrant ingredients. New favorite lentil...
This vibrant green salad is loaded up with chickpeas, dates, avocado, loads of fresh mint, and tossed with a lemony za’atar shallot vinaigrette. I’m...
These spicy garlic chili oil noodles are quick and easy to make and tossed with the yummiest garlic ginger chili oil. Feel free to...
This roasted vegetable enchiladas recipe is easy to customize with your choice of veggies and baked to delicious cheesy perfection. One of our family’s...
My go-to classic potato salad recipe is easy to make, perfectly zesty and creamy, and always a crowd fave! I’m returning to my Midwestern...
These crumbled falafel bowls are easy to make with crispy “falafel” crumbles, your choice of rice or greens, and lots of fun toppings! My...
This homemade tahini sauce recipe is quick and easy to make with 5 ingredients and tastes amazing with everything from falafel to roasted veggies,...
This homemade tahini recipe is easy to make with 3 ingredients and tastes so deliciously nutty and creamy. Ever tried making homemade tahini? ♡...
This 5-ingredient brown butter shortbread recipe is easy to make and wonderfully rich and delicious. These brown butter shortbread bars are downright swoon-worthy. ♡...
This Thai-Inspired chopped salad is made with loads of fresh veggies and greens, crunchy peanuts and wonton strips, your choice of protein, and a...
This post has been a bit of a surreal one to write. Because, to be honest, I still can’t quite believe where life has...
This one pot creamy sun-dried tomato pasta recipe is easy to make with the most delicious garlic-basil cream sauce. This pasta. ♡ I almost...