The Coziest Chicken Noodle Soup
This homemade chicken noodle soup recipe is made with homestyle egg noodles, thick-cut veggies, and the coziest garlic-herb broth. Teo and I have both...
This homemade chicken noodle soup recipe is made with homestyle egg noodles, thick-cut veggies, and the coziest garlic-herb broth. Teo and I have both...
This homestyle egg noodle recipe is incredibly easy to make by hand in just 15 minutes with 4 basic ingredients. Flour + eggs +...
Happy Friday, everyone! ♡ I realized the other day that it’s been over a year and a half since I’ve done a day in...
This roasted sweet potato and arugula salad recipe features some of my favorite fall flavors and always tastes so delicious this time of year....
My favorite one-pot stovetop mac and cheese recipe is easy to make in 30 minutes with just 6 main ingredients and always tastes perfectly...
This Indian-inspired coconut chickpea curry recipe is incredibly easy to make in less than 30 minutes and simmered in the most delicious lemon-ginger coconut...
These Korean-inspired spicy sesame gochujang noodles can be ready to go in 30 minutes and are easy to customize with your choice of veggies...
This delicious homemade muesli recipe is easy to make and customize with your favorite blend of ingredients. One of the things I remember noticing...
This simple couscous salad is made with loads of fresh veggies, chickpeas, herbs, feta and a zesty lemon dressing. Feel free to add in...
A classic Campari Spritz is quick and easy to make with 3 ingredients and refreshingly bubbly and bittersweet. When it comes to spritzes, Aperol...
This rainbow peanut noodles recipe is made with colorful fresh veggies, your choice of noodles, and the most irresistible peanut sauce. Delicious served warm...
This ginger peach crisp recipe is made with a warm ginger-vanilla peach filling and topped with a crispy almond oat topping. Does it get...