Shallot Vinaigrette
This delicious shallot vinaigrette (French vinaigrette) is quick and easy to make and wonderfully versatile. One of my favorite simple salad dressings that goes...
This delicious shallot vinaigrette (French vinaigrette) is quick and easy to make and wonderfully versatile. One of my favorite simple salad dressings that goes...
This classic deviled egg recipe is absolutely delicious, easy to make, and always a crowd fave. If you’re on the hunt for the perfect deviled...
This bourbon margarita recipe swaps whiskey in place of the tequila in this classic cocktail...and it's so, so good.
Made with a delicious creamy garlic-rosemary broth, topped with freshly-grated Parmesan, and ready to go in just 30 minutes!
Made with quick pan-seared salmon, crisp veggies and greens, creamy avocado, tangy feta, and a zesty lemon dressing.
This “woodsman-style pasta” features a rich blend of mushrooms and bacon tossed with pasta in a silky garlic-herb tomato cream sauce.
Easy to make in the Instant Pot, Crock-Pot or on the stovetop and made with the best bright and zesty flavors.
Slow-simmered with tender beef, hearty veggies, and a rich tomato stout broth.
This nutrient-rich pink latte recipe is easy to make hot or iced and features a cozy mix of beetroot powder and warming spices, your...
Like so many of you, I’ve been able to think of little else these past few weeks than the nightmare currently unfolding in Ukraine....
This Three Potato Soup recipe is made with a zesty creamy broth and a sweet and savory combination of Yukon gold potatoes, red potatoes,...
This Roasted Cauliflower Mac and Cheese features lots of zesty roasted cauliflower, a velvety cheese sauce, and a sprinkling of toasted breadcrumbs. So simple...