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For all of you working on meal planning right now with pantry staples — I’m here to help! ♡ Below I have compiled a...
This 1-Hour Cinnamon Rolls recipe is quick and easy to make, drizzled with a heavenly cream cheese icing, and absolutely delicious! Is there anything...
This simple Seed Cycling Energy Bites recipe is a delicious way to eat the daily serving of seeds recommended to help naturally balance women’s...
My favorite recipe for classic pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting. Coming up on our second anniversary of living abroad next month, I’ve decided...
This delicious homemade pumpkin pie spice recipe is quick and easy to make with just 5 ingredients, and perfect for adding to all of...
Actually, I’m terrible at picking favorites! So to whittle things down this year, I thought I would share with you the dozen or so new...
A few highlights from our 3-day weekend in Madrid, including details on where we stayed, what we did, and what we ate. Ever since we moved...
This 10-Minute Chia Seed Jam recipe is my fave!! It’s super quick and easy to make, thickened with chia (instead of tons of extra...
My favorite homemade guacamole recipe is kicked up a major notch with some everything bagel seasoning. It’s a simple mix-in that makes a big...
Learn how to make traditional Mexican enfrijoladas with this easy recipe! Just fill them with your favorite fillings (cheese, veggies, meat/seafood, herbs, you name it!), and...
Hey hey, we’re back from our ??! Well, actually, first of all I’d like to just celebrate the fact that we actually got to go...
Hello there, it’s Hayley with a tasty seasonal recipe roundup for this weekend! The calendar officially clicked over to fall this week. But depending...