Gimme Some Oven

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Strawberry Banana Smootie

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

This classic strawberry banana smoothie recipe is easy to make with 4 simple ingredients in less than 5 minutes, and always tastes so sweet...

Chocolate Chia Smoothie

I’m not quite sure how it happened. But somewhere along the lines of the last 2 years of self-employment, after years of a late-to-bed-late-to-rise...

(Skinny!) Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie

Oh man, I am way late to the adding-oatmeal-to-your-smoothies party. (Seriously, how did I miss this?!) But whatever, better late than never because I’ve got...

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

So, pretty sure I saw a massive bag of over-ripe bananas on sale at the store last week for $0.88 and bought… …TWO bags....

Brain Power Smoothie (Blueberry Avocado Smoothie)

Healthy eating month continues on Gimme Some Oven today with a smoothie I’ve been hooked on lately. It’s basically a blueberry avocado smoothie recipe,...

Easy Berry Smoothie

As I mentioned in my recent detox smoothie post, my friend Sarah and I decided to try going “raw” this past week in order...

Green Detox Smoothie

Oh my goodness, it feels so good to be home. My time in Europe these past few weeks was such a gift, and filled...

10 Favorite Smoothie Recipes

Happy, happy new year to everyone! Hope that your 2013 is off to a fabulous start! In honor of the Smoothie Maker Gift Set...

the smoothie maker gift set giveaway

The end of December has arrived. And with that, today we launch our final December gift set giveaway devoted to The Smoothie Maker! This...

Rainbow Chard Banana Smoothie

Sommmme…wherrrrrrrre…ooooover the rainnnnbowww…… This.amazingly-delicious-rainbow-chard-smoothie-dream that you dared to dream….really will come truuuuuuue…….. Ha, ok being from Kansas, I probably should not willingly offer up a...

Pineapple Ginger Smoothie

Many of you longtime followers know that I’m not a big believer in “recipes” when it comes to smoothies. My method of choice is...

Green Smoothie

Ok, I have to admit that I saved the best for last. Behold, the color for “Smoothie Week” – GREEN! This smoothie happens to...