Lemony Artichoke Soup
My mother-in-law’s famous lemony artichoke soup recipe is easy to make in just 30 minutes, it’s made with simple pantry staples, and it’s so...
My mother-in-law’s famous lemony artichoke soup recipe is easy to make in just 30 minutes, it’s made with simple pantry staples, and it’s so...
All of my best tips for how to roast asparagus, plus ideas for roasted asparagus seasonings, sauces and more! ‘Tis the season for one...
For all of you working on meal planning right now with pantry staples — I’m here to help! ♡ Below I have compiled a...
This 1-Hour Cinnamon Rolls recipe is quick and easy to make, drizzled with a heavenly cream cheese icing, and absolutely delicious! Is there anything...
A complete tutorial for how to cook lentils (French, green, brown, black and red lentils). Plus tips for how to season and store lentils,...
My favorite method for how to cook farro! Plus tips for how to toast and season farro, how to freeze farro, and a collection...
The best method I’ve found for how to cook quinoa! Plus tips for how to toast and season quinoa, how to freeze quinoa, and...
My favorite cozy chicken and wild rice soup recipe is made with the most delicious creamy broth, a generous helping of veggies and greens,...
My favorite lentil salad recipe is made with French lentils, cucumber, sun-dried tomatoes, onion, fresh mint and a zippy lemon dressing. Super simple to...
These Mole Chicken Tacos are made with my favorite shortcut 20-minute mole sauce, and they are full of the best rich and zesty flavors!...
Everything you love about golden milk…in a quick and delicious healthy smoothie! For all of my fellow golden milk lovers out there — it’s...
This cozy tomato lentil curry recipe is made with the most delicious coconut curry tomato broth, it’s naturally gluten-free and vegan, plus it’s a...