Gimme Some Oven

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15 Blueberry Recipes

If you haven’t noticed by now, Ali and I are both kind of bonkers for blueberries. We’re finding ways to sneak them into just about...

15 Healthy Workout Snacks

There are those who eat to live, and those who live to eat, and I am definitely of the latter. Food is always on...

French Toast Cups

This post is brought to you in part by West Elm and their Front + Main blog, where I am also guest-posting today. Be...

10 Tips On Cooking For ONE

Finally, I’m publishing this post! It’s one that I has been sitting in my “drafts” folder for months that I keep meaning to finish. Because...

15 Coconut Oil Recipes

Raise your hand if you had a jar of coconut oil in your pantry ten years ago. Now raise your hand if you have...

Cashew Dark Chocolate Energy Bites

Time for a new no bake energy bites recipe! This one’s extra-special because I made it with my lovely mama. Remember how I talked...

The Friday Five

It’s a funny thing, this thing we call blogging. Here I am sitting in Kansas City on a warm spring day writing this post....

The Friday Five

TGIF, friends. Hope that you all have had a lovely week, and that a relaxing weekend lies ahead. I’m looking forward to some friend’s-birthday-celebrating,...

(Skinny!) BBQ Baked Chicken Wings

Today’s post is a little ode to all things Oz. :) First of all, let’s talk about my home sweet home in the Land...

Sundance Film Festival 2014: Day 2 (Kristen Stewart in Camp X-Ray)

Hey everyone! Ali here, with an update on Day 2 of our adventure at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival. We began the day with...

My Favorite Things + iPad Giveaway

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens…bright red nail polish and chalkboard wine glasses…a Target giftcard and a brand new iPad…these are a few...

Currently Craving: Quinoa

After all of this talk about quinoa on the blog this week, including our tutorial on How To Cook Quinoa, I have been seriously craving...