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This Mexican-Inspired Chicken Lentil Soup recipe is made with the most delicious zesty flavors, and easy to make in either the Instant Pot, Crock-Pot...
This delicious Everyday Mexican Salad recipe is quick and easy to make, totally customizable with your favorite ingredients, and it can work perfectly as...
My all-time favorite guacamole recipe is quick and easy to make, naturally gluten-free and vegan, and always the hit of a party. Grab those...
Hey guys! I’m back with this month’s Q&A, and I’ve totally been looking forward to it because today we are chatting about one of...
This homemade hummus recipe is quick and easy to make, super-smooth and creamy, and tastes so fresh and flavorful! This past month, I’ve been on a...
The best Buffalo Chicken Dip recipe — packed with bold flavors, easy to make, and always the hit of the party! Stovetop, oven and slow cooker...
To all of you who love taking pictures of food as much as I do, I have fun news today! We’re looking to hire...
This amazing vegetarian chili recipe is easy to make in the Instant Pot, Crock-Pot or on the stovetop. It’s naturally gluten-free and vegan. And most...
A tasty collection of our readers’ favorite new recipes here on the blog in 2018! Happy Almost-New Year, everyone! As is our annual tradition here...
These Holy Mole Enchiladas are made with my favorite 20-minute mole sauce, filled with chicken and beans and cheese (or your choice of filling), and...
The quick mole sauce recipe celebrates all of the delicious flavors traditional Mexican mole sauce. But thanks to a few shortcuts, it’s easy to...
Learn how to cut a mango with this quick 1-minute video tutorial. Plus, tips for how to select and store fresh mangos, and my favorite recipes to...