Gimme Some Oven

Quotes from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

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I know this is not a tree growing in Brooklyn, nor is it even Francie’s Tree of Heaven variety, but when searching through my Flickr images for the right photograph I found this little gal, (yes, I personify trees) and she has the same gumption as the tree on page one of Francie’s story. Out of a rock, she grows. Towered over by others, but not afraid. Green and growing despite her meager starting place. I imagine Francie as an old woman, visiting Colorado as part of her life’s goal to see everything, and stopping at this spot, because of this little tree. She sits on the stone and rests her hand gently near the little green branches. And she smiles as she remembers.

If you needed more than three reasons to read Betty Smith’s classic coming-of-age story, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, or you just want to reminisce why you also love it, here are a few of my favourite quotes.

so the sun could flash its glory #BettySmith #quote |

the first and last time #BettySmith #quote |

first believe #BettySmith #quote |

Plus, check out these great character descriptions:

The Nolans couldn’t get enough of life. They lived their own lives up to the hilt but that wasn’t enough.
  • [The Rommely sisters] were all slender, frail creatures with wondering eyes & soft fluttery voices. But they were made out of thin invisible steel.
  • [Aunt Sissy] made of living a high joyous thing.
  • [Francie] was the books she read in the library. She was the flower in the brown bowl.

[what Francie saw when she looked out the window at her brother] Although it was dark, there was brightness where he stood.

And these purely poetic lines:

  • referring to Shakespeare’s writings: I heard…that some of the pages sing themselves like songs.

  • regarding Francie’s first story in print: she stood on the street with her glory tucked under her arm.

Thank you, Betty Smith, for choosing your words so well.

what were some of your favourite quotes?

» Don’t miss other A Tree Grows in Brooklyn posts: 3 Reasons to Read & Fillip, anyone?

Kindle-edition available here: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.←

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bet mercer

Bet Mercer is a poet-photographer who writes at Gimme Some Reads and Everyday Poetry. She loves quotes, reading her favourite books over again, great conversation, laughter, trees, films, and travelling the world. Follow along with Bet on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr, Etsy and Google+.

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