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Digging our brand new streetcars that just opened their doors last week in KC. There’s a stop right outside my building, and the energy with everyone milling around outside all day long has been so fun.
Making this salad multiple times a week lately. 5 ingredients, 5 minutes to prep, and it always feels like such a fresh treat.
Trying to decide what show to begin next after watching the series finales (back-to-back on the same night, no less ?) of The Good Wife and Downton Abbey last week. Any good suggestions?
Loving this beautiful necklace (affiliate link) that a dear friend gave me last month from Madewell. (And good news if you like it too — it’s on sale now!)
Thinking a lot about this article over the past few weeks. Probably the most fascinating editorial I’ve read so far about the rise of Trump. (It’s a long read, but totally worth it.)
Ordering delivery from some of my favorite restaurants thanks to this service. So easy and convenient!!! (If you have it in your city, feel free to use the code “fprts” for a $10 delivery credit!)
Catching up on every back-episode of this political podcast. Ezra asks the best questions, and I love the conversational vibe of the longer-form interviews. Also, this may be the most inspiring interview of a politician I’ve ever heard. (So refreshing!)
Jumping onto the “golden milk” (turmeric tea) bandwagon, and feeling oh-so-trendy (even if I’m a few years late to the craze). Have you tried it?
Working on creating a mega guide of recommendations for where to eat in Kansas City. Any of you locals, feel free to chime in with your favorite suggestions!
Getting so excited about my upcoming trip to Austin to attend the 10-year-reunion of Friday Night Lights. With the cast! At a pep rally! On a football field! On Friday night! CAN’T LOSE. ♥ (And bonus? Just found out that there’s also going to be a West Wing panel with Aaron Sorkin and some of the cast that weekend too. Just gets better and better!)
What??? Those reunions sound amazing!!!! Please take pics and tell us all about it!
I’ve been wanting to try making turmeric tea. Is there a specific recipe that you recommend?
That Madewell necklace is gorgeous! :)
There’s a Friday Night Lights reunion?! OHMYGOD I’m so jealous!!! One of my favorite shows ever. Have so much fun!!
Food recs in KC: novel, story, port fonda, grand street cafe, classic cup, voltaire…the list goes on and on :)
Cannot wait for the KC guide – my older sis moved there and I’m going to visit her and want #alltherecommendations lol
For shows: I’ve been OBSESSED with Agents of SHIELD and The 100, and am currently re-watching Gilmore Girls in anticipation of the reboot (YAY). I would also recommend Agent Carter, but, be warned, there are only 2 seasons and it just got cancelled. Sad, sad day.
KC restaurants: The Milwaukee Deli, Ruins Pub, the Homesteader Cafe (their brunch is delish but I have not been there for any other meals), and The Majestic!! Oh, and Q39. You can’t have a restaurant list for KC without some ah-mazing BBQ. :)
I am already guessing you’ll add it, but LuLu’s Asian Bistro is one of my favorites!
Some others – Blue Koi, Il Lazzarone, Bella Napoli, Beer Kitchen (brunch … to die!) Westport Cafe, Q39, Gram and Dun … I could go on and on but those are always at the top of my list1
On Netflix, watch Longmire. Totally not what I would normally watch, (Good Wife, Nashville, Grey’s) but some friends recommended and now I am hooked. Four seasons with the possibility of a fifth. Your guy will like it, too!
KC food recs:
Blue Koi
Genghis Khan Mongolian bbq in Westport
My fave Mexican: Casa Grande in Paola — it’s in an old tire shop off the historic downtown. $1 house margs with entree purchase. The chicken cream enchiladas are DIVINE.
My favorite bbq unfortunately closed this year due to the death of one of the owners — Hillsdale Bank BBQ. Her husband is still bottling their sauce, and it’s the best EVER.
GREAT editorial. Very thought-provoking read.
KC eats: Affare is my absolute favorite. AMAZING modern German and somewhat fusion restaurant. The owners are wonderful people – lots of local or home-grown ingredients, and the cocktails and wine list are out of this world. I find it to be very affordable and approachable for the quality of food and level of cooking that happens there. Other must-gos: Extra Virgin, La Bodega, Gram & Dun, Ragazza, Westport Cafe, The Majestic, and Tom’s Town. Chez Elle has the best lobster bisque in town, in my opion. :)
I also read that article from New York Mag…incredibly well written, and sobering. I’ll have to tune into that podcast! Thanks for the recommendation!
If you like Aaron Sorkin and haven’t done Newsroom yet, it’s time! We just started watching Orphan Black and it had me from the first episode. ;-) Otherwise, House of Cards is a fave of mine. Enjoy!
On the rise of Trump – where to begin?! This was the second article referencing the Weimar Republic of the Nazi’s, and it highlights several times how easily we discard logic and reason when it comes to politics. Too bad the article didn’t mention how the Koch brothers 100% funded the uprising of the tea party. I hear so many people, especially men, say that they hate Trump but don’t like Hillary and don’t trust her. But when in our history have we ever said of an already elected official “oh yah, I trust him”?? Emphasis on the “him” part. As women, I’m sure we’re all thinking that this election is that much harder for ol’ Hill just because she has a uterus. It just alarms me, though, that in the face of the most undiplomatic, unpolitical, hateable Scrooge McDuck there are so many ppl who completely reject a career politician with diplomatic and legislative heavyweight titles, not to mention, previous experience in the White House. It’s like someone saying “yah, that roofer has the right tools and experience, but I’m gonna have my knee surgeon install my roof cuz he hates the same stuff I hate.” The very nature of the job of a politician – that being to enact legislation to promote the economy and security of the nation – requires someone who finds compromises in order to yield bipartisan leadership and cohesion of the republic. Obstructionists and roughnecks need not apply. Though it does improve SNL skits.
All the restaurants mentioned plus: Vietnam Cafe (their pho and ginger chicken is amazing), Bluestem, Rye, and my personal favorite Justus Drugstore.
Hi Ali! Regular reader, BIG fan of your recipes, and fellow KC resident (Waldo!) here, but first time commenter. Summit Grill here in Waldo has become my boyfriend and I’s favorite brunch spot, we’re there every weekend if we can be! Partly because they have $9 bottomless mimosas and we can walk there, but mostly because I’ve never had a dish there I didn’t love. Great food, great service and MIMOSAS. It’s a must try :)
I am equal parts jealous of and excited for you to get to see the FNL reunion! I was a huge fan of the West Wing too, so please take lots of pics!
I’m also mourning the end of The Good Wife and Downton Abbey. I’m still hanging in there with Grey’s Anatomy. If you haven’t seen the Newsroom, I highly recommend. I’m looking for a great show to watch as well.
Henry is SO adorable on that photo!! :-D
With Boyfriend we are also looking for some new shows to watch, especially some funny short sitcoms, those are great on busy weeknights to chill after dinner, so looking forward to the suggestions!
Hi Ali! I have a show recommendation for you – Cuckoo – it’s a bit wacky but very funny! It’s a BBC half hour sitcom that I binge watched on Netflix. Enjoy!
Where are you getting golden milk in KC? Cafe Gratitude?
I’ve been making it myself, actually. I may post a recipe for it soon! :)
So jealous of you going to the FNL pep rally. Hug Riggins for me!
Anna’s Oven in KC has the best homemade lasagna. I also love YJ’s , Lulu’s and my favorite BBQ place is BB’s Lawnside. Go Chicken Go is great for fried chicken.
Fellow Kansas Citizen here! Regarding new TV show suggestions, have you tried Newsroom? Just started watching. We are hooked! Intelligent writing and fantastic acting. Thanks for the easy salad!
You need to check out Mr. Selfridge for your next series. The series just ended. I absolutely loved it! Great characters, costumes, history and it is a true story.
Thanks for the Trump article share. Just read it and am still absorbing it. A long but worthwhile read, indeed.
As for KC food eats, Pot Pie, Pot Pie, Pot Pie! I also love the patio at Café des Amis on a lovely day. Can’t wait to see your compilation. It’s hard to narrow down the great options in KC – so many great options! Have fun in Austin! Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose . . .
Can’t wait to see your guide to eating out in KC. We are always looking for new places. The hubby and I along with some friends recently completed the ABC Dinner club which consisted of eating our way through the alphabet in Kansas City. You can find the details here…..
Very cool Theresa — thanks for sharing with us! :)
No one has mentioned Avenues Bistro yet (that I saw) so I’ll add it to the KC list! I especially love when you can get a 50% off Tastable coupon. With a tastable, the bill for the entire table is half price, including drinks! If you get one for brunch, it makes the $10 bottomless mimosa a $5 bottomless mimosa, which is hard to pass up :)
Sounds awesome Kelli — we appreciate the rec!
LOVE the idea of a KC dining guide. My current faves are Taco Republic (best patio!), Cafe Trio (a seriously delish happy hour menu.. and again, an amazing patio), iPho Tower, Black Dog Coffee + Ibis Bakery, BB’s Lawnside BBQ, and Baked in Westport.
So many delicious (and underrated) spots in KC. Can’t wait to see what you pick.
Thanks for sharing your faves with us Emily — they all sound awesome! :D
I was looking forward to your KC guide coming out soon since I’m going next week! Luckily it looks like there are awesome suggestions in the comments here!