Creamy Pumpkin Pasta with Italian Sausage
This pumpkin pasta recipe is made with a creamy pumpkin sage sauce and tossed with zesty Italian sausage and kale. Cozy up, friends, because...
This pumpkin pasta recipe is made with a creamy pumpkin sage sauce and tossed with zesty Italian sausage and kale. Cozy up, friends, because...
This classic Amaretto Sour recipe is easy to make and perfectly balanced with sweet, tart, almondy flavors. If you’re looking for a cocktail that’s...
This refreshing shaved apple, fennel and arugula salad is tossed with candied pecans, Parmesan, basil and a lemon shallot vinaigrette. Ok, this really is...
This Thai-inspired slow cooker chicken satay recipe comes together easily in the Crock-Pot and is full of rich, creamy, peanut curry flavors. Let your...
These perfectly-blistered, tender, garlic green beans are easy to make and so flavorful! We’re big French green beans fans here in our home. Like,...
This delicious Marry Me Soup is made with Italian sausage, pasta and spinach in a creamy sun-dried tomato broth. Ok, I hesitate to add...
This glazed applesauce cake recipe from A Couple Cooks features the coziest spice cake topped with a tangy vanilla glaze. If you’re looking for...
These high protein egg bites are incredibly delicious, quick to make, and easy to customize with your favorite add-ins. Easy high protein breakfast recipe...
This kale peanut chicken salad recipe from the new Well Plated Every Day cookbook is loaded up with feel-good fresh ingredients and tossed with...
This quick noodle stir-fry is tossed with the yummiest garlic ginger butter sauce and can be customized with your favorite protein, veggies and noodles....
This 30-minute cream of celery soup recipe is loaded up with veggies, extra protein, and lots of fresh celery. Sometimes simple soups are just...
This golden milk-inspired granola recipe is perfectly crispy and made with the most delicious blend of warming spices. What happens when you combine the...