Lemony Broccoli Pesto Pasta
This vibrant lemony broccoli pesto pasta is quick and easy to make and full of fresh flavors. Your veggies, greens, and pasta…all in one...
This vibrant lemony broccoli pesto pasta is quick and easy to make and full of fresh flavors. Your veggies, greens, and pasta…all in one...
This simple roasted carrot soup recipe is made with creamy tahini and topped with crispy za’atar chickpeas. Naturally gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan. If you...
My longtime favorite flourless cake recipe is decadently rich and delicious, naturally gluten-free, and easy to make in under 1 hour! Trust me, this...
This vegetarian cabbage roll soup is filled with protein-rich lentils and all of the delicious flavors you love from traditional cabbage rolls. Naturally gluten-free...
This classic matcha latte recipe is easy to make and customize to your liking and always so delicious. The older I get, the more...
These zesty roasted sweet potato and chickpea bowls are layered with sautéed spinach and brown rice and tossed with my favorite 4-ingredient chipotle tahini...
This veggie-loaded broccoli cheese soup recipe is perfectly velvety and creamy without using heavy cream. Instant Pot, Crock-Pot and stovetop options all included. It’s...
This winter farro salad recipe is made with the most delicious blend of seasonal fruit, greens, nuts, crumbled cheese and tossed with a vibrant...
This lovely white wine sautéed mushrooms recipe is quick and easy to make, full of rich savory flavors, and can pair well as a...
This traditional Swedish meatballs recipe is bursting with rich, savory flavors and topped with a creamy gravy. Always so comforting served over mashed potatoes...
This classic Irish coffee recipe is easy to make with 4 ingredients in just a few minutes. Always so warm and cozy! Let’s warm...
This snickerdoodle blondies recipe is irresistibly rich, buttery, tangy, and sprinkled with a crunchy cinnamon-sugar topping. Yes, they’re just as good as you would...