10 Things I’ve Learned: Aggie
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Hey everyone! We’re back with our 10 Things I’ve Learned series after two weeks off. (Sorry about the delay. We’ve been working on some mega technical changes behind the scenes with this site, but it should be running smoothly now and showing up in your feed. Whew!)
But our guest poster today hails from the blogosphere and (where I’d love to be right now) the sunny shores of Florida — meet Aggie!
Chances are that if you’ve searched for a recipe online, you’ve come across Aggie’s delicious food blog, Aggie’s Kitchen, where she has been blogging now for nearly six years. Yes, six years is an eternity in blogland, and there are hundreds of scrumptious recipes and healthy living tips on her site to prove it. I especially love her Italian dishes, many of which she learned growing up in an Italian home with parents who ran an Italian restaurant for years and year. (Check out her Italian Style Stir-Fry, Perfectly Baked Italian Herb French Fries, and Ricotta and Spinach Fritters, to name a few…)
Beyond the blog, though, Aggie is a proud wife and mama to three sweet kiddos. (Yes, that cute little monkey in the middle just arrived 6 months ago, and gives the greatest smiles on Instagram!) And somehow she also still manages to take time to be a great encourager to so many bloggers as well. I can’t tell you the number of times I have heard bloggers comment about how grateful they are for Aggie and the faithful friend and supporter that she has been over the years. And even though I have yet to actually meet her in person (which needs to happen soon, Aggie!), I can say without a doubt that her kindness has made my life all the better as well.
So without further ado, here is Aggie sharing 10 things that she has learned.
I’ve Learned…
1. The kid turned out fine.
The best mom advice was given to me by my son’s preschool teacher when he was 3 and my daughter was just 6 months old. I was worrying about him not being potty trained yet and she reassured me that “no kid goes to kindergarten in diapers”. Yes. Yes, indeed she was right. We all need been-there-done-that mothers and friends to tell us this at least once in motherhood.
2. Always wear sunscreen.
When I turned 30 (8 years ago) I made this a rule for myself. The younger version of myself laid out sunscreen free for hours on the beach (eek!), I cringe to think of the damage it did to my skin. Now I slather moisturizer with sunscreen on my face every single morning, and I try not to wear less than 50 spf on the beach or at the pool, along with a visor to protect my face. I live in Florida where the sun shines hard 95% of the time so I have become a little obsessed about protecting my skin, especially as I get older!
3. The people you surround yourself with are more important than you think.
You ever walk away from spending time with someone feeling just eh and a little down about yourself? Compare that with how you feel when you walk away from someone who encourages, is positive and excited about life and fills up your tank. It’s a no-brainer. Life is too short to waste not feeling great with the people you spend your time with.
4. Always smile at strangers.
I tend to be a smiley person. It makes me feel good. Most of the time whoever I smile at smiles back so it’s always a win-win.
5. Be spontaneous.
One thing I’ve learned as a mom is that routine is a good and needed thing to keep life running smoothly. It can also make life a little…routine (translate: boring). I can not handle following a mom-schedule every single day so I’ve been known to make a u-turn to grab some fro-yo on the way home from school, pack up our beach bags and coolers in 20 minutes on a Saturday morning when “working around the house” was the only thing on the agenda or surprise my grandparents (who live an hour away) for lunch on a day the kids are off school. This is the mom version of being spontaneous so just humor me if you will. Spontaneity comes in all shapes and sizes – I say, just go for it!
(I would think selling your house and moving to a new house 2 weeks before your 3rd baby is due might fall under the spontaneous category as well.)
6. Avocados do not make you fat.
It’s the chips that do.
7. Unplugging is good for the mind, body and soul.
Oh, we are so plugged in these days!! Even when we try not to be. It’s so hard with our phones always attached to our bodies and in front of our faces. I can always tell when I need a technology or social media break when I’m spending less time reading real books or magazines, feeling like a scatterbrain daily or finding myself mindlessly checking my phone for updates just to zone out or be nosy. I try to unplug as often as I can. Usually all it takes is plugging my phone or laptop into a charger in another room or taking social media apps off my phone (don’t laugh, but I install and delete social media apps off my phone weekly. You may think I am crazy but it works for me!). These breaks can be as short as an evening or as long as a weekend or even a season (giving up Facebook for Lent last year turned into a 9 month break).
8. Enjoy a glass of wine with lunch when you can.
Because why not?! My 83 year old Italian grandpa taught me this (it’s in our culture) and I trust that he’s on to something.
(Disclaimer: Be assured that I am not drinking it up daily at home with my 6 month old. Just sayin…)
9. Blowing bubbles always make me happy.
You just can’t help but feel instant relaxation while blowing bubbles, with or without little ones. Probably more fun with little ones though.
10. Give yourself grace.
Because sometimes you just really need it.
These are such great tips (and #6 — TRUTH. ;)). Aggie seems like such a gem!
I can thank Dr. Oz for the avocado revelation :) Thank you Stephanie!!
I absolutely love this list and Aggie! I literally laughed out loud on the chips make you fat part – so true!
I have such love/hate with those darn chips :) Thanks Meagan, have a great week!! xo
Such wise words!!! I need to work on #7.
Thank you Liz! #7 is a big one for me. It is a hard thing to keep in check! Have a great week!
Agree Agree Agree!! Especially with number 8! ;-)
#8 might be my favorite :) Thanks Kate… and cheers!
I love this list so much – you picked the best person to feature!!! #3 is my favorite and so, so true.
Thank you friend! I thought of you when I wrote #1 and #3!! xoxo
Such a great series to be a part of, thank you so much for all of your kind words and for having me Ali! And yes, we need to meet in real life as soon as possible :)
I love this! Aggie is the best and has a special place in my heart as one of the first bloggers that really welcomed me into the blogging community. Love #1 and #6 made me smile :)
I recently realized the amazing truth behind #6 :) Love ya Rachel!! xoxo
What a great guest post! Just what I needed today! I (shockingly) hadn’t found Aggie’s blog yet, so THANK YOU! I’m just going to skip on over there and see what other gems she has hidden!
What a great guest post! Just what I needed today! I (shockingly) hadn’t found Aggie’s blog yet, so THANK YOU! I’m just going to skip on over there and see what other gems she has hidden!
Uhhh I don’t know why this posted twice. Sorry!
yay! Thanks so much Lindsey! Stop by and say hi anytime!!
Great post. I absolutely LIVE by number three. Life is only as good as the people you surrounds yourself with.
Absolutely! Thanks Maralyn!
A wonderful post with great tips from one of my favorite people. So glad to see Aggie featured here. :)
thanks MJ…xoxo
Thanks for sharing! All good…especially remembering to be spontaneous!
Thank you so much!
I LOVE this. It was just what I needed on a Sunday afternoon. Love Aggie and you, Ali! Have a great weekend you two! xoxo
Love ya girl!! xoxo
I admit that I am in awe of Aggie. I love her take on life, and she balances work /life/family so well. I personally find number 3 the one I need to work on most. It can get so easy to let time slip by without spending time with the people who mean most!
Thanks for such nice words Liren…oh balance is such a struggle for me these days, always a work in progress!! Number 3 is something that took me some time to learn, but so important to me. Thank you again, and have a great week!!
Such great thoughts here. Number 10 has been my mantra for the year. Easier said than done!
I so agree with you Ali, so many people love Aggie and you can include me on that list of admirers. She’s such a sweet, realistic, so true to herself and encouraging person and literally one of the best kinds of friend you ask for.
Aggie, can I be you when I grow up? Love you and thanks for these 10 things and for your friendship.
Oh how I love Aggie… This is all great advice. I think I need to hear the spontaneity advice over and over and over again. THANK YOU!
And thank you for running this series, Ali!
Such wonderful words of wisdom, Aggie!
Love Aggie! Great series. Glad to hear you are up and running again;) xox
Omg, I adore Aggie more than words…
Love Aggie! Such great life lessons! especially love the avocado one!;)