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Having a little too much fun on set in Minneapolis a few weeks ago, shooting a video for Chex. Stay tuned!
Settling back into life in KC after back-to-back trips these past 5 weeks. They were all amazing (Beaver Lake with girlfriends –> Pittsburgh with DeLallo –> Wichita for my parents’ 60th birthday party –> Minneapolis with Chex –> Brooklyn for Click Retreat –> Smoky Mountains with Barclay –> Park City for Better Blog Retreat), but I’m sooooo happy to be back home and nesting in with my pup and my people and my pillow in Kansas City. Also, how about those ROYALS?!!
Reading Let The Great World Spin (since I missed it years ago in book club), followed soon by Essentialism (since the whole world seems to be buzzing about it, and I loved this interview).
Texting Bitmojis now more than actual words.
Feeling inspired to test out running again after attending a clinic exploring the latest research in running form (to prevent injuries) and running shoes (that studies say should be “foot-shaped” and flat). I have some pretty gnarly back problems that forced me to quit running about 10 years ago, but I miss it and would love to see if these new methods that have proven successful for others with back injuries might work for me too.
Freaking out that two ramen shops are finally opening in town. And better yet, they’re both within 5 minutes of my place, which will prove convenient for my mission to try everysinglething on their menus this winter. About dang time, Kansas City.
Brewing up mug after mug of my favorite London Fog Latte recipe lately. Because, mmm, that lavender.
Falling madly in love with Pumpkin The Raccoon. OMG.
Checking the mail a little too eagerly each day to see if my new nomad booties have arrived yet from Sseko — can’t wait! Also, their loafers might just be the most comfortable shoes ever. (Those are affiliate links if you want to check ’em out!)
Having lots of good conversations with friends about our recent sermon series at my church called Tikkun Olam (a Jewish concept that translates to “mend the world”), which has focused on topics like racial realities in our city and world right now, the myth of redemptive violence, caring for vulnerable people around the world, rhythms of rest and self-care, and more. And it has been soooo good. Challenging and complicated stuff for sure, but if you ask me, it’s absolutely where the rubber meets the road with Christianity (and with faith in general). And I love having friends who not only love talking about this kind of stuff, but love actually doing something about it, and who inspire me to do the same.
Planning a suuuuuper-exciting bucket-list trip for this coming February to a certain “land” that is new, and zealous, and happens to be the home country of Barclay’s dad. Can’t WAIT!!!
And now I’m in love with Pumpkin the Raccoon!
Ali, how do you cram SO much into life?? Travel, reading, brand filming, dating (I still get warm cozy feelings thinking about the story you shared in your blog post last week!), dining out, practicing your faith… And on top of that, keeping up your regular blog! You’re superwoman! :) Thanks for sharing the books you’re reading! I never joined a book club, although I’ve been really tempted in the past, and I’m trying to read more these days. It’s so relaxing to dive into another writer’s world and escape the crazy world of blogging social media!
Yep what Lauren said – thank you for the pumpkin introduction. Now I can finally say that I like Pumpkin during this time of year ;)
I have to buy Earl Grey tomorrow so I can try your London Fog Latte recipe. Sounds so good.
We hop you enjoy the recipe Dana! :)