Gimme Some Oven

weekend update!

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Helloooooo out there! :)

So sorry that I’ve been MIA from the blog (and from responding to comments) these last two weeks. In a nutshell, my life this month has been…well…nuts! And I’ve had little time to eat, sleep, and keep up with my full-time job — much less blog. But thought I’d share with you two updates today that will hopefully have me returning to the blogosphere very soon…

1) After a super-speedy closing, packing up a house in less than a week, sending most of my belongings into storage, and moving in with some gracious friends across the state line (ok, that’s only a mile or so in Kansas City!) while I continue looking for the next place — I’m grateful to announce that I officially sold my house today!!!

2) Today was the grand opening of Trader Joe’s in Kansas City.

Hallelujah to both. :)  Look forward to being back in the swing and sharing new recipes with you soon!


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3 comments on “weekend update!”

  1. Congratulations on the house! That’s exciting & nerve-wracking.

  2. Congratulations! I just found your blog through stumble and wanted to share some love. Your photography is fantastic! And I love the blog name…very cute! Plus I’m an Ali too :)

  3. Congrats on selling the house!
    I am excited beyond belief about TJ opening! Im venturing out there tomorrow!