Gimme Some Oven

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi

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Aldi 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

This is the third and final post in our ALDI 101 series. But I have to be honest — I kind of don’t want this series to end!

I have been having so much fun reading your comments over email, tweets, Facebook, Instagram, and in the comment section below about Aldi! From those of you who have been longtime fans and have shared your great tips and favorite items, to those of you who may have never set foot in an Aldi but are considering giving it a try, it has been so cool to hear about each person’s unique experience with the store. I have to admit that a reader totally made my day when she shared that she ventured into an Aldi for the first time this week, and loved it. That is so cool!!!!  :-)

Well after our first two posts — Why I Shop At Aldi and How To Shop At Aldi — today is the post that gets down to specifics on what to buy at Aldi. I feel like I should probably give a huge disclaimer that this post is based 100% on personal opinion. I have all of my own quirks and preferences, and as you will see below, there is a large section of the store (cereals, many non-organic meats, pet food, makeup, etc.) that I have not tried because those areas do not fall in my normal grocery shopping. And I’m sure there are plenty of items where our opinions may just simply differ! The pina colada popsicles that I adore just may not be your thing.

So please feel free to take this post with a a big grain of Aldi’s sea salt. ;)  My hope is to offer a few starting points, and then hopefully you can try some new items and form your own opinions. To organize this post, I have included a few brief thoughts about each section of the store, and then a brief “to buy” and “not to buy” list of specifics. As always, I would love to have you share your thoughts on what you like to buy in the comments below.

This concludes our Aldi series! Thanks so much for joining in the conversation, and I look forward to resuming regular recipe posting with you tomorrow!

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

Pantry Items

The pantry items are where I recommend people start at Aldi. Almost everything I’ve ever tried in this section is high-quality and consistently way cheaper than anyplace else. Granted, again, there is only one of most items to choose from. So you do not get the option of white whole wheat flour, unbleached or barley flour — there is usually bleached all-purpose flour, and that’s it. But this is an awesome section to stock your pantry, and even try a few of their specialty pantry items in the process.

What To Buy:

  • baking essentials (flour, granulated sugar, powdered sugar, brown sugar, baking soda, baking powder, basic spices, condensed milk, etc.)
  • real vanilla extract
  • chocolate chips (semi-sweet, butterscotch,
  • nuts for baking (pecan halves, walnuts, almonds, etc.)
  • garlic vinagrette (with the garlic floating on the bottom!)
  • Fit & Active light balsamic vinaigrette
  • natural peanut butter
  • clover honey
  • breadcrumbs
  • whole wheat pasta
  • potato gnocchi
  • strawberry light & crispy cereal bars
  • granola
  • oatmeal (any kind — there are lots of options!)
  • rice
  • dried beans

What Not To Buy:

The only iffy pantry item I have tried at Aldi is their chili powder, but I’m a bit of a spice snob. I think that you get what you pay for anytime you buy $1 spices at a grocery store. I’m also not a big cereal connoisseur, but I do know that their version of Cheerio’s does not taste exactly like the original. Just like at any grocery store, many of the cereals or granola bars are made with extra sugar, so be sure to check out the labels if you’re going for healthy.

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

Snacks and Sweets

There is actually a really wide variety of snacks and sweets to choose from at Aldi! I don’t usually let myself buy potato chips at the grocery store, but when most all of their chips are under $2, I have to admit that I have now sampled quite a few. And they are pretty much awesome. :)

What To Buy:

  • dry-roasted almonds
  • waffle bowls
  • tortilla chips (restaurant-style, blue and multigrain varieties)
  • sweet potato chips
  • kettle chips (sea salt & vinegar and jalapeno are my favs)
  • moser roth chili chocolate bars
  • anise pizzelle cookies
  • Haribo cola candy
  • chocolate-covered coffee beans

What Not To Buy:

I don’t have any no-buys in this section. I will just mention that occasionally the lower prices equal lower serving sizes in some products. Again, to use chips as an example, often their bags are only about half full. So plan accordingly. (Or just use it as an excuse for portion control!)  ;)

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

Dairy & Refrigerated Items

This is one category where it is “to each his own”. The majority of Aldi’s dairy products are not organic, although more and more organic options (and alternatives like almond milk!) are starting to pop up. The refrigerated section also seems to have a lot of variety and turnover, so while there may be marscapone and brie some months, they might not be there year-round. Still, my cart is always filled with lots of items from this section each time I go! And I always stock up on butter each time I’m there. It tastes great, and it is always so cheap!

What To Buy:

  • fresh mozzarella balls
  • hummus (roasted red pepper, garlic and cayenne are my three favorites)
  • fresh salsas (I love the medium)
  • marscapone
  • soft cheeses (gorgonzola, blue, goat and feta are usually available)
  • cream cheese (regular and reduced-fat)
  • greek yogurt (often they have the Fage brand, and I also like their black cherry)
  • original organic soymilk
  • natural almond milk
  • skim milk, 2% milk, whole milk, half and half, heavy cream (none are organic, but they are pretty good!)
  • eggs
  • cinnamon rolls

What Not To Buy:

Obviously if you are looking for organic, anything that is not marked as such is a no. I also think that many of their block cheeses are ok, but probably about worth what you pay for.

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |


Ok, people, this has become my favorite section of Aldi! Trust me — there is some amazing produce to be found here at some of the best prices I’ve found. But here’s the deal…

You must be smart about choosing your produce. Just like at the normal grocery store, not every piece of produce is going to be perfectly ripe or at its peak season each time you visit. Case in point — Aldi can have incredible deals on avocadoes. (They are $0.19 each this week!)  But if the avocado is wilted, or hard as a rock, it’s probably not a good day to buy it. The same goes for if you see any produce that looks super over- or under-ripe. If it looks iffy, you should probably wait until your next trip. Or you may need to eat it immediately, or wait a week for it to ripen if need be. But most of the time, I am completely impressed with their selection of ripe, affordable, delicious produce.

Most of their produce is also not organic, so just a heads-up if that is an important factor to you. Also many of their produce items (onions, zucchini, oranges, apples, kiwi, etc.) come in bags or in bulk. So there is not always the option to buy a single of some items.

Still, I always load up my cart with Aldi produce, so here are some of my favs!

What To Buy:

  • pineapple
  • lemons/limes
  • baby carrots
  • celery
  • mushrooms
  • green onions
  • sweet mini peppers
  • specialty lettuce
  • berries (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries)
  • zucchini and yellow squash
  • kiwi
  • pears
  • mangoes

What Not To Buy:

Again, anything that looks iffy. I find that their roma tomatoes typically are not very ripe or flavorful. And I would also offer a special note on the bananas — they are awesome, but often they are over- or under-ripe, so you need to eat them in the proper timeframe.

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

Refrigerated Meats

As I said above, I prefer to buy most of my meat organic, so I haven’t tried tons of Aldi’s refrigerated meat options. But they have some killer deals on meats, especially in their weekly fresh meat special buys! Be sure to always check for those specials when they are published each Wednesday, as they tend to disappear quickly! A lot of the meat at Aldi is also seasonal, so be sure around the holidays to check out their hams and turkeys. They are amazing!

What To Buy:

  • turkey bacon
  • ground turkey
  • thick peppered bacon
  • spiral-cut ham
  • turkeys

What Not To Buy:

Just a heads up that their cheapest bacon is really thin and not very lean. I would “splurge” and go for one of the thicker cuts, since that is practically the same price as the inexpensive bacon at the regular grocery store!

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

Canned/Jarred Goods

Thus far, I have had 100% positive experiences with the canned and jarred section at Aldi. They have a great selection of your basic canned fruits and veggies, and lots of canned sauces and such to choose from. And the prices are fantastic! Once again, I would caution to read the labels. Their canned peaches have a ton of sugar, as the generic canned peaches do at most stores. And some of their sauces and soups contain more processed ingredients than I prefer, as is common in many jarred sauces. But still, don’t be scared of any of the canned produce from Aldi — it’s awesome!

What To Buy:

  • canned veggies
  • canned fruits
  • canned beans
  • jarred marinara sauce

What Not To Buy:

Anything that you might be iffy about being overly-processed. (Look for some Gimme Some Oven recipes for easy alternatives to make soups homemade!)  And again, keep an eye on the sugar content with canned fruits.

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

Frozen Foods

To be honest, this is a section that I don’t know a ton about. I usually stick with pretty straight “ingredients” in the frozen food section — frozen fruit, fish, veggies, etc. So if any of you have insights on more of the prepared frozen foods, would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

What To Buy:

  • jumbo shrimp
  • tilapia
  • fruit popsicles (pina colada, lime and strawberry)
  • moose tracks ice cream
  • frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries, mixed berries, etc.)
  • edamame
  • asparagus

What Not To Buy:

Any of their frozen shrimp that are not “jumbo” are tiny. I have also not been super impressed with their frozen salmon. Like most salmon in that price range in any grocery stores, it seems a little lacking in flavor. Also a heads-up that most of the frozen meats are not organic.

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |


Gah, I wish I had more experience here! I promise you guys I’m not a super health nut, but I also pretty much stick to water, tea, juices and coffee in life. So I have hardly any experience here when it comes to beverages. But my friends tell me that most of their options (like the Aldi brand of Crystal Light, teas and flavored sparkling waters) are pretty much identical to the originals. Here are a few that I have tried.

What To Buy:

  • sparkling juice (I love all of them!)
  • refrigerated 100% orange juice (go for the nicer of the two options for better flavor)
  • Naked juice (when in stock)
  • flavored sparkling water drinks
  • iced tea

What Not To Buy:

I am definitely a big of a snob when it comes to my coffee. So I shy away from any of the bulk or super inexpensive coffee options, but I am sure they are comparable to their counterparts in the regular grocery store. I was also unimpressed by the cheap refrigerated orange juice — seemed to concentrate-y for me.

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

Alcoholic Drinks

First of all, it’s important to point out that wine and liquors are not available in all Aldi’s. I live in KC, and our Kansas stores are not allowed to carry alcoholic beverages, but most of the Missouri locations do. So this will depend on your state.

A reminder to all who are iffy about the cheap wine at Aldi — this store is owned by the same company that is the home of 2-buck-chuck, Trader Joe’s! So before you immediately write off the drink section, I would recommend you try a bottle or two. In my experience, you get what you pay for and a little bit more. The $3 wines taste maybe like a normal $5 wine. The Bailey’s knockoff isn’t precisely like Bailey’s, but it’s darn close and a great deal for a fraction of the price. But my favorite of all time is available seasonally, and I wish it was offered yearround — Aldi’s sangria! Oh man. I never knew that I would like sangria from a bottle, but this stuff is crazy good. And you get an enormous bottle for like $4. If you see it, you must try it.

What To Buy:

  • SANGRIA! (seasonal)
  • wines in the $5-10 range
  • Bailey’s

What Not To Buy:

I think you get what you pay for with the super inexpensive budget wines — they are definitely hit and miss.

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

Household Items

For some reason, I held out on this section of Aldi for years, and now I have no idea why. They have some terrific household products at amazing discounts! Especially since I typically get annoyed at having to spend money on these things anyway, it’s awesome to have a more affordable option at Aldi. Two areas that I have not tried are their pet section and the makeup. Would love to have you chime in if you have experience with either of these!

What To Buy:

  • disinfectant wipes
  • plastic freezer and sandwich bags
  • trash bags (they are thin, but they do the job)
  • Crest toothpaste
  • women’s razors
  • pain relievers (ibuprofin, etc.)
  • ultra soft & strong toilet paper
  • paper towels and napkins

What Not To Buy:

You totally get what you pay for with the super cheap ($1 for 4 rolls) toilet paper. It is super thin and not very soft. But their thick TP is awesome!

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

My Top 10 Favorite Items At Aldi:

10. edamame
9. roasted red pepper hummus
8. fresh mozzarella balls
7. sangria
6. sea salt pita chips
5. pina colada popsicles
4. artichoke hearts
3. almond milk
2. butter
1. pineapple

ALDI 101: A 3-Part Series On Shopping At Aldi |

Other ALDI 101 Articles:

ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi |

Thanks so much for following with the ALDI 101 series! Now it’s your turn to share — what are YOUR favorite things to buy at Aldi?

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538 comments on “ALDI 101: What To Buy At Aldi”

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  1. I love Aldi’s for their fresh fruits and vegies but I agree you have to look carefully at what you are buying. Tomatoes are usually not ripe enough for me or too ripe. And the last time I went for bananas they were all overripe. Baking supplies are another thing I get there and I like their canned soup. Like any other store you need to read labels so you know what you are getting. The one thing I never buy there is cereal. We are snobs when it comes to cereal and I prefer name brands.

  2. I shop Aldi all the time, I started shopping there because my Kroger is known for having short shelf life for milk and dairy. I go to Aldi and get at least 2 weeks, usually more on a gal of milk, the half and half I use in my coffee that I bought 10/2 is dated for 11/14!! I also like their brand of coffee, dried pasta is much cheaper, as are canned fruits and veggies than the regular grocery stores. I also agree that baking supplies are a huge bargain. My Aldi didn’t use to have the greatest produce section, but I have noticed in the last few months that it is getting better. My latest find is stock in a box, both chicken and beef for $1.49!! Thanks for posting about this treasure trove of goodies!

  3. We really liked their Almond Butter but we haven’t seen it lately.

  4. I just found your site today. Kristen at is an Aldi’s fan and has written some nice articles about them on her blog. She was invited to their headquarters and her experience is a fun read.

    I love Aldi and do about 50% of my shopping there. As a side note, I believe that produce varies according to location. My mother-in-law in Illinois gets fabulous produce there. I live in Michigan and while I have seen improvements, I am still careful about what I purchase. Most of their dairy is fantastic but I have had a few bad experiences with their skim milk and avoid buying it there (the manager has been working with the supplier to correct the problem, but once bitten, twice shy!).

    We have the “quarter/cart trade-off” at our store–if you are loading your groceries in your trunk and see someone approach you with an outstretched arm holding a quarter, you don’t even have to return your cart!

  5. there frozen pizzas are not good. no taste.

    • I get the frozen cheese pizza and dress it up with my favorite toppings… but I agree that by itself it doesn’t have a lot of flavor!

  6. We love Aldi. As a matter of fact, I just finished making the list for our trip tomorrow! I believe the quality of some items just depends on what store you visit.

    When we first started going, we were leery of getting meat and dairy. We just didn’t trust them. Hmm..we finally took the plunge years ago and have been devotees ever since. The regular “economy” bacon isn’t worth it, but we regularly get pork chops & ground beef if the prices beat any other place in town. My husband laughed a few months ago and said he didn’t rememeber the last time we got groceries from Walmart. LOL…

    The only item we’ve had “issues” with are some of the soups and packaged pepperoni. In the case of the soups, we’d gotten several cans of the italian wedding and we had really bad stomach aches after eating it. It just didn’t agree w/us for some reason. We’d gotten other chunky soup varities there before and didn’t have a problem. We strayed away for a while, but recently went back to the soups. We haven’t been sick again and those soups are really good! They are $1.29 in our area(KY). The packaged pepperoni has a good flavor, but oh my….they are SO greasy. I usually dab the extra off w/a paper towel anyway(used to get Hormel), but the ones from Aldi have a ridiculous amount of grease.

    Oh, and the Mama Cozzi “take and bake” version of pizzas that you find w/the lunchmeat & cheese are really good! We used to get those take and bakes from walmart. These are much cheaper and taste just as good! We usually make our own pizzas from scratch, but when we want to have one of the “deli pizzas” on hand to pop in quickly, we get Mama Cozzi’s. Our Aldi also carries King’s Hawaiian Rolls. Those things don’t last long bc people snap up more than 1 pkg at at time!

    As I said, “We LOVE Aldi!”

  7. I learned to shop at Aldi in Austria as an exchange student. (In Austria, the branch is called Hofer, but it’s the same store.) For a starving college student, that store was a life saver. I’m very happy they’ve opened a branch near me now. The best part is that many of the specialty items are German and Austrian products – great chocolate, excellent hard rye bread, Christmas Stollen, etc. The sausage and lunch meat is also top notch.

  8. I completely agree with most of your list! Their coffee is terrible, but if you add their seasonal creamers to it (hello pumpkin), it’s drinkable. My husband and I switched to shopping there and only go to our bigger groceries when they have coupons or items that my Aldi doesn’t have. We have saved so much money! I haven’t found the Sangria, but their Malbec is pretty tasty! If you’re making sangria for a large group, their cheap wines are easy to dress up with fruit. SO GOOD!

  9. The first time I shopped Aldi’s I must say I did not care for it. But I made a promise to myself to continue for a month and now I love it. The produce buys are great! The Fit and Active flavored water enhancers (Mio like) are great especially the Strawberry Watermelon flavor. My husband is a saltine cracker snob so he didnt care for the Aldi brand, but I thought they were ok. I love the Fit and Active lite Balsamic Vinaigrette. Milk and eggs are good. The best buy I found was around last Thanksgiving/Christmas when they had spiral hams on sale. Bought several and froze them in serving size portions. Ate on them for months. Made the best sandwiches and used it in several recipes. Great bargain.

  10. All 3 articles were great. one of my faves at Aldi is the juice. They always have a great variety and most are 100% juice. My husband is a fruit juice snob and enjoys all the ones we have tried. Thanks again for the great reads.

  11. I love Aldi as well. One comment about their coffee. I love their French roast. I keep it in my freezer and it stays fresh and delicious. Over the last few visits I have noticed they are now selling free trade coffee, and I’m all about that. It tastes good as well and I know my dollars are supporting a farmer somewhere.

    Thanks for your posts. Very informative and hopefully more people will visit their local Aldi!


    • Tina, I do the same. I have brought this to many gatherings and people adore it. OK, so I never tell them where I got it unless I am asked, but yes, it is THAT good!

  13. Just came across your post on FB through South Your Mouth page. I LOVED reading your articles about ALDI!! It is my favorite store to shop at and you were so spot on about EVERYTHING from the potato chips all the way to the lightening fast cashiers! I enjoyed reading all of your post! Thanks for taking the time to share!


  14. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Aldi! My sis and I almost exclusively shop there (and our co-op). One thing you missed – the varying ethnic foods they often feature! Their German products are legit German foodstuffs. Their Mexican selections are also spot-on. They’re just not always offered. But yes. I love Aldi. So much. Great post!

  15. I LOVE Aldi! One of my favorite products is their frozen green beans. They’re thin like French green beans and I love to saute them in olive oil with fresh garlic, salt and pepper…sooo good!

  16. Thanks so much for this, I have always wanted to try Aldi but I have a bit of anxiety when I don’t know what to expect in a new place. This was perfect for me!

  17. I make and can my own spaghetti sauce and I buy all my canned tomatoes at Aldi’s. Best prices by far and I think the best quality. Greek yoghurt, butter, eggs, almond milk, canned mushrooms, rice, beans You are dead on the pantry basics are the place to start. I also am a big fan of their whole pork loins. Sometimes under $2.00/lb! I take them home and cut them into a couple roasts and 4-6 boneless chops. Delicious and cheap!

  18. I’m also an Aldi lover. My mom always shopped there so I grew up on the tricks of the trade. ;) Most recently I have also been thrilled with their produce, the prices are just unbeatable. One of my favorite things to get at Aldi’s is their meatless Spaghetti sauce. I add my own meat, and spice it up a bit more, but it always tastes so fresh. I’m also a huge fan of their Hummus, and pita chips the prices just can’t be beat. I love being able to go there and have my cart full of fresh produce, and healthy food for half the price of what I would pay at any other grocery store. :)

  19. I love Aldi also because I love to save money, and you will save lots shopping here! I remember the first time we went, I thought we had spent close to $200. but it added up to only $58.00, I just about passed out…My husband retired from A&P and loves to shop with me.
    Their English peas are Lesure all the way, as good! Love all their canned goods: mixed veggies, tomatoes, green beans, corn peas, soups and jarred spaghetti sauce is good. The few things I do NOT like: their flour, it’s bad for making bread! Don’t like their diet dry drink mixes, but they returned them, no questions asked!!
    I’ve bought lots of frozen items there. My husband is a dounut freak, he loves their frozen dounuts. I bought lots of hams, turkeys also,usually a good named brand, not their named brand.
    Over all I love love love Aldi.
    Thanks for all your input!
    Hugs from Georgia,

  20. Their cornbread crackers are delicious. Seem to only have them in the fall.

  21. We are Aldi’s shoppers at our house, but I must say that I have been known to be a snob about some things that I won’t buy at Aldi. Thank you for the list of things that you think are good things to buy there. Some of the things that I have been hesitant about I will definitely be trying soon. I have never purchased their butter because I like the spreadable kind, but I will definitely be giving it a try. Also, thanks for the heads up on the sangria. I love sangria and have never thought of buying it at Aldi. I completely agree with their produce. You can never go wrong with the produce. You just have to know going in that you may not get what you want every time. If you use a lot of fresh garlic like we do, you can usually get it there for like 59 cants for three bulbs!! My go to!

  22. what is the quality of their 4 quart stand mixer? $29.99 this next week.

  23. We’ve had an Aldi’s in my community for nearly 30 years but I’ve not been shopping there that long. Guess I had a mistaken impression of what the store was about. Fortunately, now I know better! Now that just about every organization out there (including the court – when I served on a jury) gives out recyclable shopping bags for free, there’s no need to buy the Aldi bags. I keep a supply of empty bags in my car. And I use them for other shopping as well.
    My Aldi’s is about 2 miles from my house and a HyVee is a couple of blocks from there so I can do all my grocery shopping in one trip. I agree, for the basics, Aldi’s is the best. I have to agree, too, with most of your favorites, Ali. Who needs 5 choices for a staple item? I’d rather not spend a lot of time choosing. Aldi’s has chosen for me.
    I’m disappointed when an item I really liked is no longer carried by Aldi’s. For instance, Fit & Active “Fruits of the Forest” fruit spread and cotton swabs with purple sticks. The swabs matched my bathroom color :-).
    As for produce, I’ve seen worse in “high end” grocery stores. You always has to inspect to make sure you’re not getting something that’s not good – even in the high end places. Love the Aldi’s pineapples!
    I’ve taken advantage of the “double guarantee” with the pepper grinder (the twisty top cracked) and sandwich bags (the sealing strip tore away from the top of the bag). Absolutely NO trouble returning the faulty items and getting BOTH a replacement as well as my money back!
    I have to chuckle when I see the Lexuses in the parking lot of an Aldi’s in an affluent community that is about 45 minutes from where I live. I guess the rich people aren’t above saving a few bucks – maybe that’s why they’re rich!
    My Aldi’s recently changed its set-up and I’m still getting used to new locations for items I regularly buy. But it shouldn’t take me that long to find my favorites.
    At least 5 or 6 years ago I learned that Trader Joe’s and Aldi’s are sister companies (or maybe that should be “brother” companies). When I would tell this to friends and co-workers, they wouldn’t believe me at fist. I think they had the same mistaken impression of Aldi’s that I had for years.
    Not that I’m an Aldi’s ambassador, but I do share my experience and encourage people I know who have an Aldi’s in their community to check it out!

  24. I love Aldi too!
    My local Aldi stocks Kleenex Cottonelle toilet paper packs of 30 for $15. No thin, rough toilet paper for us! Thanks for sharing this great series!

  25. Things I have found to be fabulous at Aldi: cottage cheese, peanut butter, unsalted peanuts, family-size crispy chocolate bars, stollen bites w/ marzipan., frozen french fries, and many more items. My friends feel coffee is good as Starbucks. And, I bought the best (& cheapest!) food processer and non-stick frying pan ever.

  26. I have been shopping at Aldis since it opened in knoxville, TN. I like most of the “Fit and Active “products. All natural “Wild Berry Crisps” were my favorite. I bought 6 packages every time I shopped. THEN I bought 6 packages and threw all away. The filling has been reduced to a mere taste. It used to be so good. I wonder if Aldi’s is award that this company has changed their product. It has been 6/8 months since i threw all away—-sooooo I decided to try it again. It is the same—mostly cookie with very little filling.

    • You may not be aware of this but Aldi Guarantees satisfaction on all their products. If dissatisfied just return product and receipt . They will replace product for free AND issue a full refund !

  27. Surpisingly, Aldi’s baby wipes work very well! I love their goat cheese. I shop here all the time. I’m a wine lover as well. I’ll have to keep a lookout for their Sangria.

  28. I loved the marscapon cake that you had during the holidays. I can’t seem to find it in any of your stores. Do you know how I can find one?

    • I’m a Aldi’s employee and we only carried that cake for the holidays/new years. It looked soo good but I didn’t get to buy it. It was scooped up pretty fast in my store.

  29. I am a huge Aldi fan. Their spiral ham is as good as Honey Baked brand!

    Another huge plus. I have done some research and found that Aldi can be a great employer. Here in Michigan cashiers make $14 per hour, compared to $7.40 minimum wage. I have also been told that they do much promoting from within. Their hours are much more family friendly than many of their competitors. There seems to be low employee turnover so I always have helpful, friendly, familiar staff on my side.

    I am proud to support a company that supports the people in my community!

  30. As for coffee, I am not a large coffee drinker, but recently Aldi has been stocking their version of K-Cups. I prefer the cappachino, but my mom loves all the different coffee versions they offer and has a stock-pile of them for in case they stop carrying them for any given length of time.

  31. This store is one of the cheapest I have found organic food and that’s great! However there organic milk is more expensive then Kroger brand milk…This is in the U.S…

  32. I shopped at Aldi for years until we moved to another state and there wasn’t one. They were located across from Walmart. Now this is 10 yrs ago, but they kept Walmart’s milk prices low ($1.69 a gal).
    Aldi recently built a store in the town we live in, so naturally I looked forward to shopping and saving $ there. The only negative comment I have is they have raised their prices in the 4 months since they opened. I bought my milk at Sam’s (which is across the street along with Walmart). It used to run $2.62 a gal for skim. Aldi opened with theirs at $2.69. Now it is running $2.89 and that has caused Sam’s to raise their price to $2.82. Walmart has not raised theirs as it was always higher. Eggs have raised to. Some of my friends had asked if they would do this and I said no because the Aldi that I shopped at previous did not. I was wrong. Still like most things there.

  33. I like their donut shoppe coffee and now they carry k cups
    Also good…pre cooked bacon, natural fruit snacks, all of their new organic line,
    Alfredo sauce doctored up with garlic pepper and their shredded parm in the dairy section.

    I did not like the 3 bean salad in the canned section, most things are really awesome!

  34. Thank you so much for this post! In the past, I’ve used Aldi for a pantry stocking store since the nearest one is about 30 miles from our house. I always stocked up on pasta, rice, and canned veggies. (I refuse to pay almost $1 a can for diced tomatoes!)

    We have a baby due this spring, we have been searching for ways to save money. Menu planning and cutting our weekly grocery trips by going to Aldi every other week has helped a great deal. (And it cuts down on the amount of trips to the dreaded store beinging with W.)

    We usually eat at least one frozen dinner meal once a week when I don’t feel like cooking, and we really enjoy the Orange Chicken dinner, along with some broccoli and rice!

  35. I shop at Aldi a lot. My main concern is that it does not have the moterized carts many stores have and, with a problem walking and standing being ‘not an option’ now, it’s difficult. I am finally dividing my list into two parts.

    That aside :-)

    If you like those “fancy $4 a cup” coffees, might want to try this:

    Aldi’s Beaumont (Instant, mind you lol) Classic Roast – brew a cup, add (I use) International Delight White Chocolate Mocha creamer, let it cool (or refrigerate), add ice. Now, tell me, aside from the price, what the difference is??! Add a bit of whipped topping and YUM. I kid you not!

  36. Aldi’s customer in CT. Love saving money, recently retired. We use the basic dairy products all the time. Husband (former dairy farmer) tells everyone how good the 1% milk is. Pita chips are yummy! We use many of the more basic cereals. I cannot justify paying 2 – 3 bucks more for the name brands anymore. At Christmas, lots of name brand current toys, all cheaper than even the discount stores by 2 – 6 bucks! When they mark things down, they really slash them. I too am amused at the luxury cars in the lot and the slight discomfort that I see when I see someone I know there! Too funny! Bananas are Chiquita and the best price around. I love getting a cartload of food and having the sticker shock at the cash register being a good surprise for a change!!

  37. Bremer Gyro kit from the frozen section – excellent

    Yes!!!….I swear. At just less than $7.00 added a tomato and an onion = 5 perfect gyros with plenty of meat. I am going to buy a few more to keep in the freezer for a winter go to meal.

    I started off shopping the produce section at Aldi’s and just keep expanding and am rarely disappointed. I wouldn’t think of going to my grocery without stopping at Aldi’s first.

  38. I love their cream facial cleanser but I have very dry skin.

  39. Oh My Goodness! I just love this post about Aldi!

    I have to say I would agree almost SPOT ON with everything as you – with the exception of ONE thing….I would STRONGLY suggest you try Adli’s coffee!

    I too am a “coffee snob”. lol I have a motto though, when it comes to Aldi, “Try everything once.”

    So I did. I was amazingly surprised! Not ALL of their coffee tastes the same so you have to try it all.
    I have found that the French Arabica medium to dark roast(the purple bag)is quite tasty and more than comparable to Starbucks Verona blend.
    I also buy their Vanilla and Hazelnut flavored blends for my get-together’s just so I have variety. They come in whole beans so they keep fresh.

  40. Love Aldi. My 4 yo daughter? Not so much. No princess soup or Monsters Inc. mac and cheese. Gotta love marketing to children. Anyway, you should be aware that their Orange Soda (and probably other flavored sodas) have brominated vegetable oil (BVO) which is bad … mmkay. That stuff is actually outlawed in Europe, so I was a little surprised that Aldi would carry sodas with BVO. It will soon be “outlawed” in the US. Also, their milk and half and half is typically from local, branded diary companies that are the most expensive products at other grocery stores. Love me some Aldi, especially when I get home and see all the stuff I can get for $15.

  41. I like Aldi’s. I have a ‘thing’ for efficiency. I do at times wonder what their supply chain looks like. However, I will tell you this; I have observed the personnel stocking the “Roseland” store brand pork products…..out of cases stamped “Smithfield”. :-)
    Also…the chocolate, even the cheapest, is amazing! You should know that the European standards for chocolate are higher than ours, and use hazelnuts in chocolate like we use almonds…just…try…it.

  42. I love Aldi for its milk prices alone, it’s the only place I shop at where a gallon of skim milk is consistently well below $3. Someone mentioned that their cottage cheese is good and I must disagree, it was the runniest cottage cheese I’ve ever seen. Perhaps it was a bad batch or maybe growing up eating Anderson Erickson old fashioned cottage cheese has spoiled me for store brands, although HyVee’s is ok. Their processed parmesan cheese has improved in quality since the last time I tried it nearly 20 years ago when it was the consistency of the powdered cheese in a mac and cheese mix. At a dollar or more cheaper than Wal-Mart’s I took another chance on it and was pleasantly surprised. Our family would not be able to stretch our food budget nearly as far without Aldi. Also, I have to put in a word about their reusable fabric grocery bags. They are HUGE! Nearly twice the size of most store’s bags–I can barely carry one when completely full.

  43. I love Aldi, and even more now that I’m unemployed. I always go to Aldi first, before going to Wegmans, our local Jumbomarket.

    I buy all my staples there…milk, eggs, butter. Love the shredded cheeses. The produce is much better than you’d expect…I buy roumaine, mini sweet peppers, onions, potatoes, avocados.

    The meats are good….love their thin sliced boneless pork chops, stew meat, ground beef. Frozen foods…their thin green beans are a delicacy, and I’ve bought cornish hens for $2.89 each…a real treat.

    As far as drug store items…I use the Lacura cleanser, and I buy their +50 multivitamins.

    I don’t think I’ve ever been disappointed with an Aldi purchase. Just like anywhere, you need to inspect what you buy, choose those with the ingredients you like….

    I sure do hope they never change their strategy.

    Last but not least….not least at all….their employees are awesome! Always pleasant, always helpful, always patient and kind, especially to the older and poorer folks who really need someplace like Aldi, where they can get good, nutritious food at reasonable prices.

  44. Aldi has their Wildberry Sorbet bars available :) I think they only carry them in winter. They are delicious! I was so excited to find them the other day. In the summertime they offer lemon sorbet in a small tub. I can’t wait til it’s back. It is the best.

  45. I know the post is a year old, but since there are a couple newer comments, I thought I’d chime in with a couple of my thoughts. In regards to the avocados, I always stock up when they are on sale. I specifically look for ones that are hard as a rock, because they will ripen as they sit on my kitchen counter. Once they are where I want them, I put them in the fridge to slow down the process. They now have organic spring mix salad for $2.49 all the time and it’s great. Also, on the Roma tomatoes, I agree they usually aren’t ripe enough. I like to slow roast them in the oven using Ina Garten’s recipe and they’re to die for. I’m not a fan at all of their coffee, but I do really like their hazelnut creamer. One product that I absolutely hate is their refried beans. Their bottled water tastes great and is super cheap.

    To the people who don’t like having to “pay” for the cart: Not only does it reduce the loss of carts, but they don’t have to pay employees to bring them in from the parking lot. That helps keep the prices down.

  46. The take and bake pizza (Mrs. Cozzi’s?) is a phenomenal value. In my opinion, it beats all other frozen and take and bake pies on the market, including Home Run frozen and Costco’s take and bake. Terrific product.

  47. What not to buy at Aldis-garlic. It’s imported from China. Read up on their issues related to heavy metal poisoning and you’ll be very wary of their agricultural products. Most Chinese are very scared of their own toxicity vis a vis the pollution ln their soil.

  48. I know this article is a little old, but I just stumbled upon it on Pinterest. I just have to chime in on Aldi’s Fit and Active Frozen Entrees–I’ve been eating fewer processed foods, so I try to avoid most frozen foods (aside from fish, unseasoned vegetables, and fruits without added sugar), but when I’m counting calories, “healthier” entrees are helpful and convenient (especially with my work schedule). The Fit and Active Entrees are often reasonably priced, and keep me more full than the more expensive “Healthy Choice” entrees.

    Thanks for a great article–I hope it encourages people to keep supporting Aldi!

  49. They carry Bolt house drinks also, at least at my aldi’s, like 100% of the time. I LOOOVVEEE Aldi’s, it is my number 1 choice for food shopping =).

    • Wow – sorry you had a bad experience. We LOVE our Aldi and they are building another one nearby lol yay! :)

  50. Some of my Aldi favorites are:

    Fresh uncooked cheese pizzas, only $4.99 for a 16″ pie, we add our own fresh toppings…great crust, too!

    Frozen green beans, they are thin and tender, great for pan frying with olive oil and garlic

    Sourdough bread (made by Pepperidge Farms)

    Hummus, all flavors

    Low-fat ice cream sandwiches (these are made by Skinny Cow)

    Any of their chocolate, it’s all imported from Europe, and inexpensive.

    Trail mix and any of their bagged almonds.

    There are always treasures to find each week, many of them are Trader Joe brands, organic, gourmet foods!

    LOVE, LOVE this place!!