Gimme Some Oven

One Little Word 2015: DARE

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Alright, 2015, I think it’s time to shake things up a little.


Well, 2014 actually went down in the record books as the year that was shockingly, mercifully, and delightfully stable for me. I know, it feels like I should knock on wood just typing that out, but it’s true. The years leading up to 2014 were basically anything but stable, and chocked full of just about every huge life transition imaginable. But somehow the waters calmed this past year, and I found myself living in the downtown loft of my dreams, self-employed with a blog that was steady and growing, surrounded by people I loved, traveling a reasonable amount on trips I enjoyed, feeling healthy and happy, and it just all generally added up to a life that already felt like more than enough. So instead of pushing for more, more, more, I kind of decided to proactively “coast” for most of the year and soak it all in. Sure, my friends will tell you that I still worked very hard and kept my social calendar busy. But instead of feeling our industry’s familiar push to constantly be comparing and adding and growing, I decided to basically enjoy a year of just keeping the pace. And you know what? It was great.

It still feels great, actually.

But that said, I’m starting to feel that familiar itch to shake things up a bit. And after a more restful 2014, I’m feeling like I have the energy and the curiosity to push the boundaries a bit in 2015, both personally and professionally. Because let’s be real — I’m totally an idea girl and love starting things (vs. maintaining/finishing things, which are harder for me). And I love being pushed to take some risks. So…

My word!

Since I love the tradition of choosing one little word for each new year (in lieu of official resolutions), I decided to make dare my word for 2015. I was also considering the words courage, start, risk, discipline, and go. But in the end, as my friend Kathryne recently said to me when we were dreaming up adventures for our upcoming month in Austin, “I respond really well to dares.” And I 500% agreed.

For better or for worse, I find major satisfaction in proving to myself (ok, and admittedly also any doubters!) that I can do hard things. I love challenges that involve a bit of risk and adventure. I love the good stories and life lessons that come, without fail, when you attempt to live beyond your comfort zone. And quite frankly, I love to win a good dare. 

My dares!

So yesterday on the plane ride home from Mexico, I brainstormed a short list of a few specific dares I’d like to have for myself this year. This is just a start, but so far I like ’em. (And would invite you to hold me to ’em!)


  • Dare to blog consistently (and more open and vulnerably) about lifestyle topics that I love beyond food
  • Dare to explore the idea of adding video to the blog, and also finally release a Gimme Some Oven product or two (stay tuned!)
  • Dare to partner the blog with a few non-profits I admire, and see if we can work together towards making some cool things happen in the world together


  • Dare to tell the people I love how much they mean to me…much more often.
  • Dare to go on more dates!! (And be better about asking people to set me up!)


  • Dare to go sugar free for 60 days (beginning next week, stay tuned!)
  • Dare to try some new workouts this year, and make yoga a more regular part of my life
  • Dare to be more honest with people about my chronic back pain when its flaring up
  • Dare to spend more time each day in prayer and scripture


  • Dare to make playing music at home a daily part of my life again, and look into more opportunities to possibly play in a band with friends and learn how to record my own music
  • Dare to actually read and finish all of my book club books for 2015
  • Dare to go on at least two mini-retreats for myself during the year, just for fun and reflection

Move In The Mornings | #gimmesomedares #moveinthemornings

Also, I would love to invite dare YOU…

…to join me! Because dares are way more fun alongside others, right??

Each month during 2015, I will be posting a monthly dare that involves some sort of small daily challenge. Nothing monumental, but something fun that will hopefully make your day all the more energized and meaningful and fun. So for the month of January, we are starting out with this simple dare:

Move In The Mornings

You can read all about it in this post here. But whether it’s for 1 minute or 1 hour, the goal is simply to find a way to start your day with movement. I would love to have you join us! (And if you do, be sure to hashtag #gimmesomdares and #moveinthemornings so that I can cheer you on!)

I think it will be really fun!

HAPPY 2015!!!

Anyway, all of that said, more than anything I just wanted to pop in today and wish you all a very happy new year. Hope that it is filled with lots of hope, lots of love, and lots of good people in your life.

dare you to make it a memorable one!

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23 comments on “One Little Word 2015: DARE”

  1. I can’t wait to see you cross off all of these dares from you list, Ali!! Personally, I can’t wait to read more of your personal/non-food posts!! Oh and I LOVE that you’re going sugar free! Can’t wait to see what sugar free recipes you come up with next. Happy New Year friend! xo

  2. I love the idea of picking one word! Dare is perfect for you! I can’t wait to see your dares! I would love to join it! Although, you won’t see me giving up sugar. I will be eating healthier, but I have to have an occasional cookie. It is good for my mental health:) And I DARE you to find Tim Riggins when you are in Austin! :) Happy New Year friend! I have a feeling 2015 is going to be an EPIC year for you! xoxo

  3. you have just dared me to change my word for this year!  I had a 2014 very similar to yours – kinda coasting but not really finding peace in that, so I was going to choose peace. But I love the idea of shaking it up, so I may steal your word!  I’ll check out some others, to challenge myself. Thanks for the dare!  Can’t wait to see how you use it in 2015!

  4. Looking forward to more personal posts and seeing how you get on going sugar free! It’s something I’ve thought about, but don’t think I could ever actually do! Good luck!

  5. Wow, DARE is an amazing word to choose and I hope your 2015 will be as adventurous and courageous as you planned :)

    Happy New Year!

  6. love this so much!!! All of it.

    My word is Learn. I’ve been thinking about it so much lately, all I want to learn. I’ve always loved being a “student” (though not necessarily in the formal sense), and I feel like I have unintentionally taken the last couple years off from learning! So…I’ve been challenging myself to learn all kinds of stuff lately from photography to running a blog as a business to crocheting to using a drill to build a cage for our new rabbit. 

    Happy New Year Ali!!! Excited for your adventures in life in 2015. xo

  7. I love this post so much!!! I have to say, I totally agree with you. I respond so much better to the word ‘Dare’, more so than ‘Goal–I have no idea, and I have no idea what that says about me ;) 

    Looking forward to the year ahead and watching everything you accomplish!!! 

  8. I love this idea!! Totally can’t wait to see what 2015 has in store for you Ali and I would love to read personal posts too!! ps. good luck going sugar free!! Once you kick the craving you’ll feel great and your energy levels will soar!!

  9. Love the word DARE for 2015! Can’t wait to see you accomplish all these dares. :) 

  10. I love the one little words! Dare is a great one! Mine is strong this year, so I’m sure I’ll participate in some  of your dares! 

  11. Love this! Wishing you all the best and cannot wait to hear about the adventures to come!

  12. Love your choice of “dare” for this effort – Happy New Year! I’ll definitely stay tuned for your upcoming dare challenges :)

  13. Great post.  I like your word dare. I think my phrase (as it’s two words) for 2015 would be Dig In. Thanks for sharing,  and I look forward to hearing more from you this year. 

  14. This is a great word! I’m the same way if someone “challenges” me so I’ve challenged myself to read 52 books this year. In years past when I’ve set a book goal I’ve either met or surpassed it. Maybe I’ve found my word for the year!

  15. I love your word! I’m announcing mine next week… because I honestly keep going back and forth on what I want it to be!
    It’s going to be a great year for you! Congrats!

  16. I came across the idea of choosing a word to meditate on for the year from another source.  I decided to accept that challenge, and my word is ‘contentment’.  I love your word, and I may have to use that one too, to challenge myself more.

  17. Great post, Ali! Looking forward to hearing about your dares in 2015 and seeing what comes of them. I told Tim my word for 2015 would be “Simplify,” and he said his would be “Complicate.” Grr. We’ll see how that one goes…

  18. What a great word for the year!  I appropriated it for myself, because it so perfectly describes where I’m at in my new life.  Thank you so much for this.

  19. I love that you chose the word “dare” – inspiring all its own! Your music dares sound exciting, and I always love your non-food posts so I’m looking forward to more of those :) Happy new year Ali!

  20. Monday Night Yoga!!

  21. This is such a compelling idea–thanks for sharing! I spent a lot of this past year running away from some things that I needed to face, and have begun to realize I need to face those scary things. So, thank you. I’m currently thinking of my own word and can’t wait to take that first step towards unpacking those lies and fears and begin anew. I also can’t wait to see what 2015 has in store for you!!! Woot Woot!

  22. LOVE IT! I always look forward to your posts and your yummy recipes and this post has not only made me look forward to what’s to come, but inspired me as well! Can’t wait!

    Thanks Ali!