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Happy First Day of Autumn Eve, everyone! I’m getting ready to take off on a camping trip with my book club in a few hours, but thought I’d pop in a quick “Currently” post before I head out.
This month has definitely been a great one, I think in large part because I haven’t been traveling and have actually been home in KC for a solid month, which has been wonderful. I’m learning I am way more of a homebody than I thought.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved traveling a ton this summer. But I came to find that the time I had at home between trips always felt super frantic and rushed, and it seemed like I was constantly trying to cram 100 things in before I packed up to leave again. So it has been great to get back to some of my old rhythms, and enjoy life at a slower pace and make plans and be spontaneous and just enjoy the season with friends. And of course, my cute pup. ;)
So here’s a little of what I’ve been up to…
Finishing Twelve Years A Slave for book club. It sounds like the film is already getting lots of Oscar buzz, so my book club decided to read it beforehand. I’m even more excited about our next book, though — The Fault In Our Stars. I feel like everysinglepersonIknow has been obsessing about that book. Ready to see if it lives up to the hype!
Cooking with pumpkin! Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin! It’s never too early to break out the good stuff in September. ;)
Fibering. Google Fibering, that is! They finally came to the neighborhood, and our building management paid the one-time fee for everyone to have the basic internet plan (score). So I now have free, speedy internet!!! (Sayonara, Time Warner, I’m so not going to miss you.)
Enjoying the final weeks of produce this week from my summer CSA, New Roots for Refugees. Can’t even tell you how much I love this organization. And my delightfully spunky, awesome farmer, Nyakang (originally from Sudan) has grown the most beautiful produce all summer to enjoy. A gorgeous head of lettuce I brought home this week is simmering in a pot of soup as we speak. Yum!
Shopping for a new “serious” winter coat. I have already been dreading the arrival of winter because I hate — hate — being cold. But my sister and friends have informed me that this may be due, in large part, to having pretty lame winter coats in the past. So this year, I’m going heavy duty and investing in something that (a) goes down to my knees, (b) has a hood, and (c) includes the word “puffy” in the description. I was iffy about this idea until my friend, Maux, turned me onto this brand. Now I have like 5 that I absolutely want!
Counting down the days until Parenthood premieres this week!!! Better stock up on a few more boxes of Kleenex…
Considering getting Lasik. I’ve worn glasses/contacts since I was in 2nd grade, which is no biggie (and I love my new glasses)! But as I’ve gotten older, my eye allergies have gotten worse. And I feel like by the end of the day, my eyes are always red and watery and I’m kind of over it. So I talked with my eye doc at my last visit, who said I’m an excellent candidate, and I’m starting to look into the cost, insurance, different doctors, etc. I am still 500% freaked out at the idea of a laser slicing into my eyeballs while I’m awake. If they would knock me out, I’d do it in a heartbeat!! But if I can gear up my courage, I may take the plunge soon.
Pinning to my new Fall board on Pinterest. Summer is still my favorite season, but Pinterest can definitely get a girl excited for Fall.
Stocking up on the new line of Thanksgiving cards from Hallmark, because my dog Henry is now officially a published supermodel dog! Doesn’t he look dashing in his sweater and scarf? ;) You can find the card exclusively in Hallmark Gold Crown stores this fall. Too fun!!!
I have loved not traveling as well after so much travel this Spring. It’s just like you described – I really loved the travel but it was hard cramming so much in on the days I was home. PS: I need a coat! Thanks for the reminder.
I got lasik surgery about 8 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I made. I was also worried about the whole awake while slicing thing, but you can’t feel a thing, plus they give you valium so everything is juuuuuust groovy. Take the plunge. It’s definitely worth it. The only downside is seeing all these Uber cute eyeglasses and kinda secretly wanting to rock them…. But perfect vision is hard to beat :)
Having 5 eye surgeries in the last year (none of which were Lasik) I can tell you that the anticipation is way worse than they actual surgery. I’d have Lasik in a heartbeat if my eye surgeon would let me so I say go for it. I don’t think you’ll regret it.
Oh my goodness, I can completely relate to the traveling! I’ve only been away from home two days this month and it’s been pure bliss :) I’ve considered Lasik for the last several years but it just makes me so nervous so not sure I can take the plunge. And any suggestions for finding local book clubs?
Yes!! Glad you like the coats…I’ve had mine for going-on four winters now and it’s still in great condition and fits so well. Also excited about Parenthood! Also I’ve been considering lasik for years myself…haven’t thought about the allergy issue but I sometimes share that as well…sounds like a good enough excuse to me.
Oh gosh I loved The Fault in Our Stars. It made me tear up. I’m a bit jealous of your getting Google Fiber. My husband and I have talked about how great it would be to have.