This Boulevardier cocktail recipe is quick and easy to make with Campari, bourbon and sweet vermouth. It’s been the winter of the Boulevardier here...
This Boulevardier cocktail recipe is quick and easy to make with Campari, bourbon and sweet vermouth. It’s been the winter of the Boulevardier here...
All of the flavors you love best about lasagna in a quick and easy soup! As a couple of lasagna lovers who haven’t found...
Easy to make with just 15 minutes of prep, irresistibly salty and sweet, and SO delicious!
This Salmon in Burst Tomato Sauce recipe is ultra-easy to make in 30 minutes and simmered in a garlicky tomato basil cream sauce. Serve...
This Roasted Cauliflower, Chickpea and Arugula Salad recipe is tossed with arugula, avocado, toasted pine nuts, and my favorite lemon-tahini dressing. Simple, hearty and...
This Spanish Chorizo Lentil Stew recipe is incredibly easy to make and full of the coziest savory flavors. I’m pretty sure it’s a crime...
A personal update about food blogging, career pivots, and a new chapter ahead.
A step-by-step guide (and video) for how to make amazing homemade baklava.
From chocolate chip to gingerbread to oatmeal, peanut butter, no bakes and more, there's a cookie here for everyone!
Cute chocolate Christmas cupcakes...but make them Catalan. ♡
Made with soft and fluffy vanilla cupcakes, vanilla buttercream, and whatever fun decorations you choose!
Made with a garlicky goat cheese, sun-dried tomato, pine nut and basil filling and topped with crispy toasted breadcrumbs.