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This Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup recipe is quick and easy to make on the stovetop or in the Instant Pot, it’s full of...
Learn how to make the best roasted Brussels sprouts with this classic recipe. They’re super-quick and simple to make, easy to customize with your...
An unbelievably delicious tofu stir-fry, made with my easy baked tofu recipe and tossed with the most heavenly garlic black pepper sauce. So named...
This 30-Minute Baked Tofu recipe is my favorite way to make tofu! It’s ultra-easy, totally customizable with your favorite seasonings, and surprisingly crispy and...
This homemade Cajun Seasoning recipe is the perfect blend of zesty, spicy, savory flavors that are sure to kick any dish up a delicious...
Looking for some fresh ideas for how to use boneless, skinless chicken breasts? I’ve gotcha covered with 15 of my favorite chicken breast recipes. Looking for...
This Pistachio Pesto Pasta Salad is the perfect make-ahead dish for summer gatherings, it’s easy to customize with your favorite add-ins, and it tastes SO fresh...
This 5-Minute Szechuan Sauce recipe is an irresistible blend of spicy, sweet and savory flavors. And it works perfectly as a stir-fry or dipping...
This Chicken and Broccoli recipe is ultra-quick and easy to make, and tastes SO delicious! For those nights when you just need dinner on...
This Green Goddess Soup is full of feel-good veggies and greens, it’s quick and easy to make, and it tastes and feels great. Bonus? It’s also...
These 5 easy chicken marinade recipes are freezer-friendly, simple to prepare, and totally dependable and delicious! Perfect for grilling, roasting, sautéing, slow cooking, Instant Pot, meal...
These quick and easy Hawaiian BBQ Chicken Bowls only require 6 main ingredients, they come together in about 25 minutes, and they’re perfect for...