Meet Teo!
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Hi friends! Just wanted to pop in briefly from maternity leave to share an update today, because there’s someone very special I’d love for you to meet…
…our sweet Teo!
Our son, Teo (pronounced the Spanish way, “tay-oh”) Elliott Martin, was born on March 16. And for those of you who have been following our story, I’m thankful to report that the epidural that we had been praying might work despite my back issues (I shared a bit about this in my last post) mercifully took hold on the very first try, which meant that both Barclay and I were able to be there together to hear Teo’s first precious cries and welcome him into the world. Goodness…what a moment. ♡
After so many ups and downs this pregnancy, we’re still in awe that our little boy is finally here. He’s perfect and healthy and super-snuggly and outrageously cute…and we feel like the luckiest parents in the world. Truly can’t believe how much we love him and how sweet and natural life together as a family of three already feels. We spend a record amount of time each day just staring at him and soaking up his sweet newborn cuddles and showering his yummy cheeks with a million kisses. And we are loving this opportunity to finally learn how to be parents — even sleep-deprived, sore-in-all-the-places (hellooo, postpartum), often-hilariously-trial-and-erroring-our-way-through-each-new-day and all. This tiny little human has captured our hearts in the biggest of ways, and we are just so happy that he’s ours.
Anyway, I can’t wait to share more updates with you once I’m back from maternity leave. But in the meantime, feel free as always to follow along on Instagram for more behind the scenes updates from our lil’ newborn bubble over here. And thank you again for all of the love and prayers and encouragement you’ve been sending our way these past few weeks especially. We feel it and are sending you back so much love from Barcelona today.
Here are a few pics from these first few weeks together with Teo as a family of three! ♡
Meeting our precious boy for the very first time.
Finally a family of three. ♡♡♡
My heart can hardly take seeing these two together. My boys! :)
Morning snuggles are our favorites.
Is there anything cuter than baby yawns?! We’re obsessed.
Meeting the pups for the very first time. We carefully introduced them and they’re getting along great! Although tbh, they mainly just ignore him 99% of the time. ;)
Alright, I’m logging off to get back to gazing into these big blue eyes. :) Thanks for reading, everyone! xoxo
Oh my God!! He’s such a little perfection! Lots of blessings!
Loved all the photos, thanks for sharing <3 Not only the journey, but the destination.
I wish you as parents all kind of blessings in your day to day decisions, to lead him into a happy and healthy life.
Mom, remember you are enough, and to take each day as it comes, one at a time. Celebrate yourself for this miracle of life. Give yourself permission to ask for help and rest along with your little one.
Dad, read a lot of books, sometimes even with funny voices and noises. Having sense of humor is going to be one skill he will need a lot in life.
Embrace and enjoy everty single moment, as they grow too fast!
(from Guatemala :) )
Thank for sharing your beautiful Baby Elliott. I’m so happy for you and Barclay. Elliott is such a wonderful gift from God. Congratulations!!
congratulations! He’s so beautiful!
So sweet thank you for sharing the good stuff in life!
Beautiful gift from God! I had six of them, three and three, all are dearly. Loved , and I cannot imagine a life with out them. Moms are especially blessed. Love and prayers to you and your new family
I am so happy for you. What a beautiful family of 3 or 5!
He is so precious, so happy for you and your family.
beautiful, your entire family. so happy for you.
So happy for you! Congratulations and God bless you! What a gorgeous little guy!
He has your big beautiful eyes
He is absolutely adorable! What a handsome little guy!
Congratulations! ❤️
Nancy Wilson
He’s beautiful! Congratulations and God bless!
Oh my gosh, your son is absolutely beautiful!!!!!! He also was born on my son’s birthday which makes him even more beautiful. They are precious human beings and God works wonders thru them to us. They grow so fast, so enjoy every minute you have with him. Congrats to you both.
May God rain his blessings down on you and your beautiful family, congratulations!
Beautiful! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing. ❤❤❤
What an adorable baby! Sending love to your whole family from San Diego, CA.
what a healthy and happy looking baby AND parents too, looking happy and beaming. Love that bundle and see that the pups are curious too. Enjoy your new bundle of love
So happy for you two Ali!!! WElcome to the world little Teo! <3 I totally get you, naming babies (especially boys!) is so hard! We had plenty of girl name candifates but were unsure about the boy names, so we also waited until we could meet him :-) Our first-born son is also Teo (Benedict Teodor – Benedict means blessed and Teo means gift of God – meaning of the chosen names was important to me), and our second (born on March 13 :-) ) is Oli Leo (Oliver Leopold – Oliver means fairy, elf and Leopold means brave – which he was during his birth).
Your Teo is adorable, such a beautiful little boy!
Wishing you lots of happiness and good healthy! Can't wait to hear more about life with your Teo! :-)
Omg; he is so precious, perfect, and so very very adorably cute! I enjoyed looking at each of your treasured pics. Congratulations to you and your husband on the birth of your beautiful son.
Congratulations!! What a beautiful baby!! I’ve been following your blog for years and when we were both single in our early 30s. So happy to see your love story unfold and now your baby love story too! It seemed to take forever but I’m happily married now too with baby #2 on the way. So thankful for our families, the biggest blessings of all! ❤️
Congratulations!! So very happy for all 3 of you!!
Congratulations!! So happy for all three of you!! Such a long journey, initially…. and now, with many more amazing travels together!! ?
Congratulations So happy for you both!
awww allie im soo so so happy for you!!! i know you guys have been tryig for some time.. god bless and i wish you both an amazing experience into parenthood !!!
Oh my goodness, he’s just beautiful!!
Happy first Mothers Day. Hope you are enjoying this very special time. Look forward to more posts with your sweet little boy.
So incredibly happy for you. He is perfect.
I know you both love and appreciate every minute.
It goes by incredibly fast.
Dare Alla Luce, Teo!
I am just catching up on my posts. Congratulations to all of you with your beautiful baby!
This is one beautiful, adorable and precious baby. Congratulations!!
Many congratulations to you! Enjoy every minute of parenthood.
You are a beautiful loving family. God bless you 3. :)
Oh my gooooooooodness!!! ¡¡Bendiciones!! mil besos
Aww he is some cute!! You look so beautiful holding your son. I’m super late with this wonderful news but I am so happy I found this post. I came here looking for a pasta salad recipe and catch up to what I been missing and you guys have had a BABY!!! Congrats!!
Cuteness overload <3 Congratulations!!!
He is absolutely adorable!!
Baby boy is so precious! Congratulations to all and enjoy every single minute. What a blessing!?
OMG..he is PERFECTION!!!!!!!
So happy for you!
Alexandra from Toronto
I have just his moment – through your chimichurri recipe found you. And just in time to meet Teo. I am looking forward to enhancing my life with your amazing culinary experiences.
And you will forever be Teo’s mom. Lucky boy. Lucky dad.
So beautiful and healthy! Congrats to you three. May God give you all the strength you need to nurture this little human and may you always feel this amount of love and more between you.
Congratulations and blessings in your journey as parents, Ali and Barclay. Teo is indeed precious, and who gorgeous eyes! You are truly blessed!
Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing this gorgeous picture ;) Enjoy your new little addition !
Hi Ali: I just join the team today. And happen to see the beautiful bundle of joy. I am happy to hear everything went well with epidural. I had it with my 1st son, ended up have a c-section. I will say enjoy these special moments you have with him. Once he starts school I found that the children grow so fast. Yes I have to boys who are in their early 30. Bye congratulation on the arrival of your son.
Congratulations on your baby boy. He is absolutely beautiful!! A wonderful gift from God. I love your stories and recipes. I wish you all the best.
I’m so very happy for you all! I became a first-time grandmother at the age of 65 last year so I can truly understand how happy your parents must be. Wishing little Teo a lifetime of love, laughter and good health. He is truly adorable and will bring so much joy to all of you ♥
Possibly the cutest baby ever!! Congrats!
Late to comment as I thought I was subscribed and realized I wasn’t ! Yikes! I love your food!
Teo is quite handsome. Those eyes! Glad to see the puppies love him, too!