A Day In The Life
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I’m a sucker for “day in the life” posts.
I first became a fan of them way back in the early days of the blogosphere via Ali and Elise. Then a few years ago, Rachel started doing a similar series profiling food bloggers. And now occasionally when I’m bored, I’ll scroll through the #dayinthelife hashtag on Instagram. I mean, who doesn’t love spying into people’s little worlds, seeing where they live, how they work, awkward selfies galore??
Count. Me. In.
Somehow, though, in all of my years of lurking and people-watching others’ days, I realized that I’ve never documented one myself. So this past Monday, I decided to put my little iPhone camera to use and try capturing some snapshots of a regular ol’ Monday behind the scenes of Gimme Some Oven. Although granted, there’s probably no such thing as a “regular” day in this weird world of blogging, and no two Mondays are ever alike. (Which I love.) Still, it was a fun exercise and one I might try more often to help document life.
So if you’re feeling spy-ish, here’s a peek into my little world… :)
7am: Rise and shine! Well, I rose, and my night-owl-self never feels shiny in the mornings, so I rolled back over to snuggle with this guy for a few minutes. He has somehow perfected the art of being his absolute cutest whenever I need to wake up in the morning…or get things done. Gah, who can resist that face?
7:05am: I’m not really much of a “devotional” girl. (To be honest, they annoy me more often than not, and I’d much rather just dive into a few pages from a full-length book if I want some sort of spiritual reading.) But one of my favorite authors just released this little book, so I’m giving it a try for a few weeks in the mornings. It seems to be mostly excerpts from her other books (which I like), so I’m enjoying it so far.
7:10: Peeked at my website just to be sure that my post for the day (that I always schedule the night beforehand) went live at 4:02am as planned. I always have a random worry that it won’t. But sure enough, success! It was up! And instantly made me crave pancakes…
7:15am: Barre3 time. Since we don’t have a Barre3 studio in Kansas City, I have been subscribing to the online classes for years. Which means that my kitchen countertops = my barre.
I highly recommend it. Killer workout.
8:15: After showering and quickly getting ready, I hopped next door to Quay for my morning coffee. Chatted for awhile with my friend, Chris, while the caffeine was kicking in. Then I dove into the never-ending part of my day: EMAIL.
Oof, I could spend my entire workdays just trying to keep up with my inbox. It genuinely feels never-ending. But lately I’m trying to narrow things down to just three email check-ins per day. So I hit it for about an hour and a half, answered as many emails as possible, then closed my screen, chatted it up with a more coffee shop friends, and strolled back home.
10am: Skype time! My friend, Marly, and I were scheduled to do an interview for her new project, The Chopped Podcast. And I had such a great time chatting with her! Seriously, she is doing so many cool things for the blogging community, and may be the nicest blogger on earth. (And it just so happens that her home on earth is just a few miles away from me — yeah, KC!) The interview will be posted sometime soon, so stay tuned.
Also, if you hear the clickety-clack of little paws in the background, or someone trying to sniff my headset, you may know who to blame… :)
11:15am: After the podcast interview, I hopped in the car to make my twice-a-month Trader Joe’s run. Wish that there was a location closer to downtown, but hey, the drive was a great chance to enjoy the 60-degree sunny day. I am ridiculously happy that spring has finally arrived.
Windows = DOWN.
11:25am: I would like to say that I am a ridiculously efficient grocery shopper. I know the layout of just about every grocery store in town, know how to strategically plan my routes, and I’m usually in and out in 5-10 minutes. Boom.
I do tend to allot an extra few minutes for the cheese section at TJ’s though, and never leave the store without a block of this stuff. Best. $4. Cheese. Ever.
11:35am: Of course, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you run into someone you know at Trader Joe’s in Kansas City. And sure enough, my friend Marion happened to be there that day. We caught up for a bit (it had been awhile!), and I convinced her to try out shishito peppers (which she Instagram-ed making that night for dinner!), and then at the checkout we realized that we had matching wallets (Target for the win!).
I may have been a little too excited about these matching wallets. :)
12:00pm: After all the talk about shishito peppers, I couldn’t resist blistering up a few for lunch. (Yum.) But I didn’t feel like cooking beyond that, so I served them alongside a thrown-together meal of crackers, smoked gouda, a banana, La Croix, and The Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt.
Pretty much my norm for lunch on a workday, lest anyone ever think that food bloggers cook themselves gourmet meals three times a day. ;)
1pm: After lunch and another 40 or so minutes of (more) email, it was time to embark on the day’s food photography. On the docket for Monday? A remake of the 5-Ingredient Whiskey Chocolate Truffles that I made for the ShowMeKC meetup a few weeks ago. (Recipe coming to the blog soon.)
I actually had prepped and chilled the batter the day before in the fridge, so all that was left to do was roll it up into balls and dip them in cocoa powder. And of course, taste-test one or two. Dangerously good.
1:25: Once the truffles were ready, I pulled up my email to get the dial-in code for a quick conference call. And lo and behold, I found the best surprise email from Better Homes and Gardens! As some of you may know, the BHG Blogger Awards are held annually for all different kinds of blogs. And I was nominated for the first time this year in the “Everday Eats” category. And the editor emailed to tell me that I ended up actually winning the reader’s choice award for my category!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness, it was a total shocker. I don’t think I’ve ever won a blogging award in my life, and I was THRILLED. So my biggest thanks to all of you who voted! I may have squealed and jumped up and down and pranced all around my kitchen for a few minutes. And then remembered that I needed to dash into that conference call. Oops. Professional cap = back on. (Although I may have still been grinning from ear to ear during that call.) :)
2:00pm: Afterwards, it was time to photograph these little suckers…who I must say did not want to cooperate. Seriously. All I wanted was a nice little pile of truffles. But for whatever reason, they kept slipping and sliding out of the bowl and covering everything in cocoa powder. Gah. I finally gave up and hid a few little toothpicks in there to hold them in place (food styling trick of the trade).
Truffles = 0. Me = 1.
Usually I photograph 2-3 recipes on the days when I’m shooting, but I had a handful of calls scheduled that afternoon, so I decided to keep things simple with just one recipe. (If you want to see more about my shooting setup, feel free to check out this post.)
2:45: Received a text from my building manager that he “drank” all of my packages that arrived in the office that day. I knew what that meant…
…my BotaBox samples finally arrived!!! (I tend to win the award in the building for best mail days.)
BotaBox has been my favorite boxed wine brand for years, and I’m stoked to start working with them this year and come up with some new recipes to pair with their wines. So when they offered to send me a “few” samples to help with my recipe development, I was on board. Turns out, this was only half of it. I immediately texted all of my friends and called dibs on hosting happy hours…for entire season. ;)
Also in the mail? Some new specs to try on from Warby Parker. I’m overdue for a new pair, and wanted some more neutral frames to go with my red ones. What do you think?
Yay? Nay?
3:00pm: Final two conference calls of the day. I think Henry feels the same way about phone calls as I do. #NotAFan.
Plus, why be stuck inside glued to your phone and a computer on a gorgeous day…
3:45pm: …when we could be outside? As soon as the calls were over, we both bolted outside into the sunshine, which felt amazing. I can’t get enough of this warm weather.
We went for our afternoon stroll around the neighborhood.
4:00pm: Then came home for my last round of email for the day, followed by a few minutes editing some sheet music for the Easter Choir that I’m leading at my church. It’s our second year trying this on Easter, which is the first time in the history of our little hipster church that they’ve ever had a choir. (So fun!) We’re all counting down the days until Sunday, and I cannot wait.
5:00pm: The happiest hour of the day — HAPPY HOUR! Met up with a few girlfriends on the sunny rooftop deck of our favorite neighborhood Mexican restaurant, and chatted for a few hours about singleness and dating and marriage (all the good stuff) over margs and nachos. So good.
Photo via Sarah
7:00pm: Afterwards, I did a double-hitter and drove to Westport to meet up for a drink with my friend, Kerry. She and her husband are getting ready to move to South Korea for two years, and I’m so proud of them. And I’m also SO going to miss them. Trying to squeeze in as much hang time as possible before she goes!
(I forgot to snap a pic at the restaurant though, so here are Kerry and I at book club last weekend doing our thumb vote.)
9:30pm: Arrived back home and caught up on the new episode of The Good Wife while editing photos for Wednesday’s post. Mmmm, pizza.
10:30pm: Finally, my favorite way to end the day — piano time. My keyboard used to be in a corner of my living room, but I recently moved it by the window so that I could play while looking over downtown, and now I look forward to it all the more each night. I could play for hours. Nourishes my little soul.
11:00pm: This little guy always beats me to bed. And by that, I mean that I always find him literally tucked into bed at the end of the day, having nosed and wiggled his way through the pillows and covers until he has found the perfect spot. It’s impressive. (And slightly disturbing, because I swear he’s turning into a human.) And pretty darn cute. :)
Of all the places I get to travel, I love nothing more than getting to call this little spot in the heart of Kansas City home.
And call it a day. :)
I love reading these types of posts! Isn’t it freaky how human-like pups can be sometimes? Kind of adorable, kind of scary. Congrats on winning the Better Home and Gardens award–how awesome!
Thanks so much Erin!
LOVED this peek inside your life Ali. And the specs are keepers :) PS> CONGRATS on the award. Well deserved, whooo hoooo!
Thanks so much Erin, you’re the best! :)
GAH! How do I land a gig with Bota Box? That looks amazing, and I’m not just talking about the colors. And that last picture? I died a little. My pup goes to bed first too, but never tucks himself in, he lays with his head facing the door and his little tail starts wagging when we turn the light on.
Oh man, I was STOKED when I heard from BotaBox. (Beyond just the colors, which I also love.) :D And tail-wagging little guys are the best!!
I love these kind of posts too. I hope you keep them coming.
Thank you Emily!
I love that you’re an efficient grocery shopper too! I pride myself on being a great meal planner and list maker. They recently rearranged the produce section in the store I shop at and I was out of my mind!
Haha, right?! My mission when grocery shopping is to never have to go back down the same aisle twice. When they re-arrange, it throws off my game!
What is the name of the Mexican restaurant? We also live near downtown KC and nachos are my fav!
El Patron!! I would have to say that FUD’s nachos are actually my favorite in Kansas City (I know – vegan nachos – what?!), but El Patron’s are a close second. They’re discounted on happy hour, as are their stellar margaritas. :)
I’m a total sucker for Day in the Life posts! #drinkallthewine #eatalltheballs
Ha! Thanks, Lee!! :)
Loved this post! Keep ’em coming!
Thanks so much, Laura! :)
Oh goodness, I love the last photo. How sweet!
Thanks, Stacy! I know — kills me every time. :)
I also love when bloggers post a “day in the life” – thanks for sharing!! :)
Me too! Thanks so much for reading! :)
I love these kind of posts too! Must be the voyeur in us all :)
Ha, I know. I can never resist some good people-watching. :)
This is so awesome, Ali! Thanks for sharing your day with us…I love getting a peek into people’s lives, and seeing what it looks like being a food blogger is pretty inspiring. You should do this more often!
Thanks so much, Jessica! You should too! :D
How fun! You’ve inspired me to do the same thing!! I love these types of posts. Such a fun sneak peak behind the scenes. I love the glasses, btw, and need to try the shishito peppers!
Thanks, friend!! Loved seeing the behind-the-scenes of your going away party for Annalise on Heidi’s blog today. And you TOTALLY need to try shishito peppers! Life changing. :)
I love these types of posts! Thank you for sharing! Your pup is so cute, I love how he tucks himself in like that!
Thanks, Grace! I know — he’s a talented little guy. ;)
I love these posts!! Also, I must know… is there a significance in you choose 4:02 a.m. for your posts to go live? ;)
Thanks, Hannah! Good question — it’s the time that I have been posting for years, and I don’t know if it’s a good one. But I aim for 4am CST so that the post will be live in time for the East coast folks who might be reading over breakfast. And then I go with :02 so that mine might be the newest one on a blog reader amongst all of the other bloggers who might post at 4am. I have no idea if that time is even a good one, but it seems to have worked over the years. :)
What a great post, it’s so fun to get a glimpse into your every day life! Plus, I’m also impossibly nosy. :)
Thanks, Nicole! Ha, I’m impossibly nosy as well. Or maybe we should just say, “curious”. ;)
I love Day in the Life posts, and read every word of yours!!! I always find them so fascinating–especially from bloggers, as I always wonder what an ‘average’ day looks like. And I’m so impressed by your get-togethers with friends! I need to get your tips for Chicago ;)
Thanks, Laura! Oh man, I have to admit I was super bummed that you guys aren’t ending up in KC. But…I have no doubt you’re going to have a blast in Chicago. And hey, my sister lives there, so the next time I go visit her I’m totally calling you! :)
that award is WELL deserved–congrats! and i loved this little peek into your day :)
p.s. i think we’re heading to KC for a weekend in May, so I might be hitting you up for your favorites!
Thanks, Natalie! And absolutely — let me know! :) (Would love to see you too if our schedules worked out!)
Thanks for sharing a bit of your day! You are one busy woman but also seem to be really well balanced! Congrats on getting your award! (I voted!) So proud of you! I LOVE your blog and always look forward to your recipes! Thanks Ali!
Thanks, Alyssa! You are so kind! :)
I love these types of posts. :-) My day in the life would be boring to read because from 8 to 5:30 it would read “work, eat lunch at desk, work some more.” LOL. Bloggers’ days are more interesting!
Thanks, Debbie! And oh man, I feel you — I spent many years working at a desk most of the day. (Although I bet if you tried the Day In The Life thing, you might find more interesting moments sprinkled throughout the day than you expected. I definitely did!)
I loved this!!!! What a fun day. I’d love to see more posts like this every now and then. :-) And I didn’t know you played piano … I took lessons for 12 years but I haven’t really played in a long time. I’d love to have a real piano in my house again some day. And your dog is tooooo cute. I love that he tucks himself in.
Thanks so much, Sara! And that’s so cool that you play piano!! I dream of the day when I can have a real piano again. For now (living in a loft that’s not so soundproof), it’s me and my old keyboard and headphones. Someday… :)
1. I love your glasses! I got my first pair of Warby Parkers last year, and I LOVE them.
2. I am beyond ready for our TJ’s to open here (Birmingham, AL). And yes, I know the layout of all the grocery stores here. AND my OCD self makes my grocery list in the order of how I walk the store. :-/
3. Your dog is TOO cute!
4. How do so many awesome food bloggers live in KC?! Is there something in the water there??
5. We have a lot in common: piano, food blogging, church choir. :)
6. Email…GAH. I completely agree. And my following is a lot smaller than yours, so I can only imagine.
7. I love DITL posts! I love to see how other people (and food bloggers in particular) spend their time.
1. I’m obsessed with WP. They’re the best!!
2. Get ready, that store’s a life-changer!
3. He says thank you. :)
4. No idea, but we definitely lucked out.
5. Three of my favorite things!
6. Gah. Yes.
7. Me too! Thanks for reading!!
Really loved this post! How fun to peek into your world for a day! Thanks for documentingand sharing!
Thanks so much, Rachel!
You are such a wonderful soul! This post made me smile because if I wasn’t working full time, I swear we would be living the same lives! Congrats again on the blog award! You deserve it girlfriend!! xoxo
YOU are such a wonderful soul. Miss you, friend! :)
You should do a day in your life more often. . .sounds like a perfect day! Your recipes are so awesome and I love your perspective on things! Thanks so much for sharing!
AND, your glasses look awesome on you!
OH MY WORD, I’ve got to get it together. Sorry about the three posts. Also wanted to add, you totally deserve that recognition! You are one of my favorite bloggers!
Wow, thank you so much Carrie!! (Three times!) :D
I about died at the last photo– so sweet.
He’s pretty sweet. :) Thanks so much, Meaghan!
Great post Ali! It is nice to see that we are not the only ones that have days filled with work and play intertwined from morning until night.
I was trying to find a separation from work to play, but it seems to feel less like work when there is so much fun in the mix.
Thanks, Donna! Oh man, self-employment is the best. So grateful for the chances to get out of the house and weave a little extra “play” into my workdays. Helps make work all the more enjoyable. :)
I love day in the life posts! And pretty much everything about your day. That Bota Box selection looks amazing, and I loved that Mexican place when we were in town! Thanks for the recommendation!
Thanks, Lindsay! And that’s right — I forgot you visited El Patron when you were here! Next time you’re back, you + me + margaritas. :)
Clearly I love these types of posts….and obviously I’ve read my fair share. But I LOVE this! You have such a cool life. And that award is SO well-deserved, congrats!
I think of you every time I hear “day in the life” nowadays! Thanks so much for all you’ve done with food bloggers for this series. You’re an inspiration! (And I realized I somehow dropped the ball on getting my questionnaire back to you last year — ah! Maybe we can reschedule for this year?) :)
Henry is so ridiculously cute! You can see his little eyelashes in the picture where he’s giving you kisses.
So precious!
It was fun getting a peak into your routine and it’s seems like you do a great job at fitting in things that help enrich your life.
Congrats on the award!!
Thank you so much! I think he’s pretty handsome too, but I’m a little biased. ;)
Love these posts! I guess I need to hit up Quay in the morning so that I can FINALLY meet you :)
Thank you! And heck yes — come say hi at Quay the next time you’re there! :)
I love day in the life posts – so fun! Also, I love the glasses – YAY!
Thanks, Millie! And yay — I ordered them! :)
This was so much fun to read. Your glasses are adorable and so is your apartment. Thanks for sharing it with us. You’ve inspired me to do a post like this… someday soon.
Yay! Can’t wait to read yours soon, Monique! I hope it includes some of your killer workouts — your Instagram is super-inspiring me lately!
Wow! Congrats on winning the blogger award! I think you definitely deserve it. Also, it’s wonderful that you were able to move your keyboard to the window. I need motivation to play my guitar, and we don’t have the option of a window with a nice view… :-( This kind of post is fun every now and again.
Thanks so much, Susan! And that’s awesome that you’re a guitarist! Mine is collecting a little bit of dust lately, but I need to brush it off and play more too. Hope you can find a cozy place in your house and make it happen. Jam sessions are the best. :)
Congratulations on the award, you so deserve it! Can I ask where those nachos are from, they look amazing….There’s so many Mexican places here in KC I couldn’t figure it out. Love the glasses to btw!
Thanks, Lindsay! And totally — they’re from El Patron. One of my favorite happy hours in KC! (Although I have to say that the nachos — vegan nachos, no less — from FUD are my favorite in town. So good!)
Ahh this was so sweet, loved the matching wallets part with Marion. So random. Well done, you should give us one of these every day. ha
Yep, gotta love those Target wallets. :) I vote you do a Day In The Life of Lucinda sometime soon…
Absolutely loved this post. Your day is way more exciting than mine! And your dog is adorable, I love that last picture!
Thanks, Simone! And Henry says thank you very much. :)
Sorry to cause you more “mail” to read, but I just wanted to say that this post was fun to read. It was very interesting to see how you live. And for the life of me, I can’t understand why you are still single! You are so cute and very talented. Thanks for the peek into your blog world.
Thanks, Crystal! I’ll take “mail” like your kind words any day. Thanks for taking the time to read! :)
Thanks for the insight into the life of a busy full-time blogger. It actually sounds fun! Congrats on the BHG as well as the chopped interview. I just found out about the podcast and downloaded them all instantly. You, Kate and Lindsay were on there?! Can’t wait to devour all of the episodes soon!
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Mat! And yay – hope you enjoy the podcast. I’m honored to be a part of it! :)
I absolutely loved this, Ali! There was something about you ending your day with some keyboard time by the window made me tear up – I think because I know that it’s a peek straight into your heart and soul. It makes me want to pull out my flute each night before I go to bed.
Aw, thank you Dara! I know that you understand that love of music!! Someday we need to bring our flutes along on a trip and play together. :)
This is such a cute post! My cat also likes to climb into bed and snuggle like a little human! It’s so cute!
I love this kind of post! For whatever reason, it’s incredibly fascinating to get an inside look at how someone lives his or her life. It’s so addicting! Your day looks incredibly busy and productive, and your pups are so sweet!
I love the shade of your lipstick in some of these photos. What brand/shade is it?